Okay, let me put it in the real world for you, if you can stand the real world.
The "real world", eh? Pretty hefty claim to make right off the bat. Let's see how you fare:
I have not been directly personally affected by terrorists - I've always been separated spatially or temporally by a pretty good margin (OKC and NYC are nowhere near me, and the Sterling Hall bombing happened before I was born). And really, I don't fear terrorists at all.
However, I *do* fear our government to the extent that they are taking freedoms away in the guise of security and operating seemingly without regard to the constitution quite often.
So yes, I do fear our government more than I fear potential terrorists. It's not hyperbole at all. Am I sitting here shaking in my boots? No, I'm not very afraid of the gov't either - But I am more afraid of them than I am of potential terrorists. Plain and simple.
Well at least you've got
an explanation, after a fashion. It's not an especially good one, however, and consequently, it doesn't change my opinion.
From my perspective, it's
well past absurd to believe that the government is anywhere
near comparable to a group of people who subscribe to an ideology that actively seeks -- and has caused thousands of instances of -- the
deaths of innocent people for political effect. To claim that onerous security policies are similar to -- or, much more laughably in your example,
worse than -- terrorist aims to tear down our entire society (government included, BTW) through
killing innocent people for political effect is entirely baseless in fact, completely detached from simple reality, and fundamentally skewed. The word I keep wanting to use is "bent". It's... It's delusional.
What's more, to compare what one would consider to be an unreasonable search to an act of terrorism is patently ridiculous. One is designed to
kill people and have a broad political effect. The other -- at the
absolute worst -- causes
some property damage. That's not even the same
league, let alone the same ballgame. Hell, it's not even the same
More than even that, while you have virtually no mechanism by which to personally prevent a terror attack, our system of government provides you with
ample opportunity to engage the government and prevent whatever it is you feel warrants more fear than the ideology of
killing innocent people for political effect.
Put those three things...
- comparing government overreaching to advocating killing innocent people for political effect
- comparing what you believe to be an unreasonable search to an act of terrorism
- comparing something you have no control over to something that your authority is at the legal center and philosophical heart of
... together with the "Me GOOOOD! Them EEEEEEEEVIL!" attitude that is for some reason so prevalent in these kinds of issues, and I'm entirely comfortable drawing the conclusion that I have: That the comparison is made for the purposes of rhetorical and egotistical ease, and little more. Put another way, I don't really believe that if you think about it you actually believe the government to be
more fearsome "directly personally" than terrorists. One
means to kill you. The other
happens to anger you. GMAFB.
Of course you're entitled to
fear whatever you'd like to fear. That doesn't mean it makes any sense, and it doesn't mean that in choosing to do so you have taken into account the
real world aims of the two things you're comparing. And in my book, comparing unnecessarily onerous security measures to -- please, for God's sake stop and think about it for a second --
killing innocent people for political effect is well outside anything even remotely resembling "sense".
And that's how it is here in what I believe is pretty clear to most everybody reading this to be the
real "real world."
Edit: And just so I don't come off as saying something I'm not... You're certainly entitled to stand by the assertion that Americans should be more afraid of their own government than they should be of
people whose sole aim is to kill them. But I'm also entitled to call that what I'm absolutely convinced that it is: Shrill, hyperbolic, hysterical nonsense.