I wouldn't say there's been a ton of depreciation on the older models. The newer G1000 ones were still new enough that yes, they're still in the fast part of the depreciation curve.
That, is a bad pilot and/or shop. I've got over 1700 TTAF/E, it's never been topped. I've had two cylinders worked on, but never even had a cylinder overhauled. I'm a big fan of the IO-550-G, it's turbine-smooth above 1K RPM and the balanced intake makes it very easy to run LOP.
The TSIO-550 in the Acclaim, however, has had some problems. Is that maybe what's going on in this case, Tim? I've heard of those being difficult to get past 400 hours at first, though I think they've found and fixed the problems now.
Ovation "1" (Just an Ovation, not a 2 or 3 or GX or DX...). And it's a sweet airplane. Flies like it's on rails, only smoother! I plan on 170 KTAS on 12 gph, and on longer trips at optimum altitude can see up to 175 KTAS at that burn. Higher up (13,000), I've seen 172 KTAS on 10.1 gph. Climbs like mad, too, I plan on averaging 1000 FPM to 10,000 at 120 KIAS in the climb.
If I had a brand-new one with every option, I couldn't even fly it solo with full fuel (I'm about 1.6 FAA standard people
). But, full fuel with the long range tanks on a new one would go well past 10 hours to dry tanks... And it's a very rare person who feels the need for both FIKI and A/C.
Yes. With full tanks, I have enough to start, taxi, take off, climb to 10,000 feet, and after that fly an additional 7 hours to dry tanks. I've gone from the west coast to Wisconsin with one stop, and from Wisconsin I could go anywhere in the CONUS east of the Rockies without refueling (and beat the airlines easily, too).
I do not need full fuel!
So, allowing for an hour reserve, it's a four-person aircraft for a 600+ nm trip or a three-person aircraft for a 900-nm trip, or a two-people-plus-bags aircraft for the max 1,040nm range. And who the heck wants to go that far without stopping?
FWIW, about a year ago I went from Milwaukee, WI to Houston, TX with four people plus bags for the weekend with one stop in about 5.5 flight time. Left around 8:30 AM, stopped in northern AR for lunch and fuel, and had dinner and went to a concert that night with my sister and her family.
I don't see the appeal of spending 10 years of my life building an airplane either, and I damn sure don't trust the plane anyone else built and gave up on. To each their own. If I was into experimentals, I'd probably have a Ravin 500 for this mission... But I don't think there's a ton of 4-seat experimentals in this class either.
Al Mooney was 6'5", and he built an airplane to fit himself.
I've never flown a C model or any of the short-body Mooneys, for that matter - Only the mid body and long body. However, I know I would have headroom problems if I didn't lower the seat - Was there a potential adjustment that you missed, and maybe your friend didn't know about if they're not as tall?