Taxi to Parking
Is there a reason why you don't like to use them in flight? I wouldn't use them every flight in the 310 (similarly slippery to a Mooney), but I would absolutely use them regularly. Especially in the summer when, like Spike, I want to stay up high for a long while. Also in the case of the 310, the plane goes to the top of the green and into the yellow really easily, and it can make descents more challenging, especially if you like to be nice to your engines.
Absent another reason, I feel that a pilot that needs to use them often lacks finesse and probably isn't planning their approaches well. Not to mention, having a super-efficient airplane and then always using speed brakes kinda defeats the purpose.
Now, staying high to keep cool is a perfectly valid reason to use them. Luckily, that's not as much of a problem for me in WI as it is for Spike in TX. I prefer to simply plan my descent so that I don't need them whenever possible. That generally means that I need to start my descent 6nm out per 1000 feet I need to descend, pull back to 22" or less 20nm out if I'm not already there, then 20" at 15nm, 17" at 10nm, 14" at 5nm, 2000 RPM in the pattern, and 1500 in the final descent.
If I can't or don't want to follow that profile for any reason, the speed brakes are an excellent tool to have. Even though I prefer not to use them if I can help it, I'm really glad they're there because there are plenty of occasions to use them.