Monday Night Football vs. Presidential Debate...What are you watching?

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Just as accurate as the CNN poll I would think. :D
I would be afraid to see the cnn poll, I bet it reads the exact opposite plus a few for her. Something like this:

The woman - 94%
The man -4%
we polled 36 people(30 women,4 immigrants and two recent parolees) This poll has an error of +/- 67%
I think they are giving "us" what "we" want. What you see on TV is what mainstream America is asking for. We are the problem. This is the result. It's psychology 101 If you want this type of stuff to stop, get people to stop clicking on it and the reward will change.
Can we please just get back to boobs

...I am a big ww2 buff and when Germany was transitioning itself during the thirties, the press was just about as biased as it s now if not a bit less I think. Did we miss something , was there a sudden need to fill every journalist position that they just hired any clown off the street and told to put your name on the bottom of whatever we wrote for you?

Nothing new. The press was biased when trying to stir up the American colonies against the British. Read some of the American newspaper accounts that were written in 1773 about the Boston tea party.

Remember William Randolph Hearst's reply to Frederick Remington regarding the Spanish-American War? "You provide the pictures and I'll provide the war!"

It's actually better today than it was in the past, because today you can quickly access multiple new sources and see different accounts, perspectives, and bias regarding the same event. In addition, technology has turned every citizen with a cell phone and access to youtube into a reporter. Never before have you been able to tap into such a broad spectrum of news sources.

Mark Twain once said that if you didn't read the newspapers you were uninformed, and if you did read them you were misinformed.

Plus ca change, plus c'est le meme chose.
I was just reading through the comments on the MSNBC poll and one person was asking if there is a poll that has hillary winning cause he is tired of trump winning!! You cannot make this stuff up I'm afraid.
I think they are giving "us" what "we" want. What you see on TV is what mainstream America is asking for. We are the problem. This is the result. It's psychology 101 If you want this type of stuff to stop, get people to stop clicking on it and the reward will change.
From what I see here and other places, what "we" want is partisan bashing and locker room jokes. Don't blame "the other". I think it's always been like that but the internet gives everyone a voice.

Edit: In case it wasn't clear, I was again agreeing with you @SixPapaCharlie...
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I think they are giving "us" what "we" want. What you see on TV is what mainstream America is asking for. We are the problem. This is the result. It's psychology 101 If you want this type of stuff to stop, get people to stop clicking on it and the reward will change.
If you do a little reading on Gramsci and the Frankfurt school, you would see that this is not completely true.
Only 40 some more days then it'll be over. Hope it's not 4 more of "Obama".
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Give people an inch...

This is why we cannot have nice things here.
My Falcons beat the Saints, that's really all I cared about last night! :p My wife watched the debate and kept laughing from the bedroom, I waited until I was sure it was over before I went to bed! The sound of one candidates voice gives me hives and makes my blood pressure rise dramatically, I want to keep my 3rd class medical, so I avoid hearing her voice at all costs. :eek:
I think they are giving "us" what "we" want. What you see on TV is what mainstream America is asking for. We are the problem. This is the result. It's psychology 101 If you want this type of stuff to stop, get people to stop clicking on it and the reward will change.

I would go one step further and say the insanity we're seeing from politicians is a mirror of our own political discourse. I started doing this thing... can't remember when I started but it's been a while where in any discussion I tried to see the other side's point of view and think of an option that would solve or help their problem without being intolerable to my own. I started doing this because I realized that I'd been participating in almost identical discussions year after year and never really saw any new ideas just the same arguments.

So far the result is usually a couple of people say something approving and the same tired argument just resumes. I've found that I'm a much happier person if I can walk away from it and just go do something else but I live in fear of the stupidity coming to my door and screwing up my life so I keep getting drug back in.
Immediately after the debate, just about every poll that us, the average folk (not actually average because we're pilots) had the chance to vote in online, showed the 'man' won the debate by a landslide. Look at the mainstream news broadcasters this morning and they all sware 'she' won by a mile. I try not to get political, but biased much?! The people voted and said he won, the media says she won.
I would be afraid to see the cnn poll, I bet it reads the exact opposite plus a few for her.
The poll results that CNN posted were this:

Hillary 34%
Trump 18%
Neither 47%

Then below that CNN declared Hillary the winner, so CNN apparently doesn't understand basic numbers.

It is clear that neither of them won, but America loses.

I think Arnold Palmer picked a good week to check out.
No matter who wins we are all going to lose.
Too Late I'm afraid.
I would like to see what people from around the world's reaction to the deba(cle)te is. It would make for some interesting viewing. I imagine it would be similar to the two girls one cup reactions.
Immediately after the debate, just about every poll that us, the average folk (not actually average because we're pilots) had the chance to vote in online, showed the 'man' won the debate by a landslide. Look at the mainstream news broadcasters this morning and they all sware 'she' won by a mile. I try not to get political, but biased much?! The people voted and said he won, the media says she won.

Some great articles on the Russian troll army of bots that were voting in the online polls. Interesting to see the Russians trying to influence our election, to the point where people actually believe Trump did well in the debate.


Interesting how all that activity was centered around St Petersburg....

Vlad says "TrumpWon".
Everyone take their conspiracy theories elsewhere.

Closed pending MC review. Those who stepped way over the line know who you are.
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