Mixing W100 with 100

If running W100 but had a case of 100 straight mineral oil left over any chemical reason or otherwise that the mineral oil should not be used when adding a quart now and again -
no use it until you run out, then go with Phillips W 20-50
When I started with Chevron in 1975, we still had some of the engine-compressors in the refinery... on start up, they could backfire... that was an event that really got your attention, with a hundreds of horsepower of gas lighting off in the exhaust stack!

Are those engine-compressors still used in the gas business or do they now use a conventional engine that turns a compressor ?
Are those engine-compressors still used in the gas business or do they now use a conventional engine that turns a compressor ?

still used as far as I know... why would a conventional engine be better?
Didn’t suspend lead well and gunked up engines.

But for repositioning an airplane, I doubt harm would come of using full synthetic as a one time thing.

If the synthetic oil got changed at 50 hour intervals it worked fine. Some guys ran it too long and had problems. Mobil made one and so did Amsoil. Both are now off the market. Amsoil still makes oils that work just fine in Experimental Aircraft.. 15-50.. 20-50, 60 , and Exxon makes the 20-50 Exxon Elite for normal aircraft. Most important is to change the oil at normal intervals...25 hrs without a filter and 50 hours with a filter in the system...and to have the minimum amount required in the engine while it is running.