missed connections

You: Flying a Beaver (?) over Puget Sound (sorry, no picture captured, but instead I'll just show a picture of the sound from this weekend). Brother swears he heard a radial engine, you looked bigger than a Cessna, and had floats, so we are guessing you are a DeHavilland.

IMAG6615 - smaller.jpg

IMAG6682 - smaller.jpg

Me: Loving the Pacific Northwest
[7500] yo, where's @EvilEagle at??!!??

(sorry, I know that has nothing to do with this thread but 1) it looked like this thread could use a response and 3) I didn't want to start my own thread just for that).

so, @EvilEagle , where's u at? [/7500]
I flew out of there on Friday. During the week saw a bunch of Turbo Otters and a few Beavers.
Star Wars Plane

Obligatory Space Needle pic

And my favorite from the trip from the window of the airplane at MSP