Millennium Phenom paint job


Final Approach
Jul 27, 2009
Iowa City, IA
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I was at a fly-in on July 4 when I saw the most amazing paint job. It's on a small jet, N100FZ. It is a spoof of the Millenium Falcon of Star Wars fame. It has many cute features, such as the stenciled name of the pilot: Hans Red Solo Cup

Here are some photos I found on the internet (I wish I had taken some close-up photos of my own, to show the exceptional detail and quality):




This short youtube video is a slideshow:

Definitely cool. I wish it were more popular to do these types of paint jobs (or wraps) on everyday aircraft.
I know one that larger jet that was painted like a sea floor all along the bottom with the images extending into behind the clear landing light lenses with a very large and pretty mermaid on the tail. I was back within 6 months having most of the images sanded off because operator didn't like the extra attention it was getting.
Meh I guess I'll be in the minority. I don't really see a reason to turn your aircraft into a cartoon. There are plenty of nice looking paint schemes out there. There is such a thing as "too much" and this is an example of it, in my opinion. Never understood why people wanna take something that's already perfect and "nerd it up" to get attention..:dunno:

Dude is trying too hard..
Meh I guess I'll be in the minority. I don't really see a reason to turn your aircraft into a cartoon. There are plenty of nice looking paint schemes out there. There is such a thing as "too much" and this is an example of it, in my opinion. Never understood why people wanna take something that's already perfect and "nerd it up" to get attention..:dunno:

Dude is trying too hard..

Have you seen some of the paint schemes on the Nike jets? I love the feathers on the underside of the wings/empenage.
I'm curious about the fuel port labeled "DILITHIUM CRYSTALS." Dilithium was the stated basis for the Enterprise's warp drive in the Star Trek franchise. I don't recall that the basis for the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive in the Star Wars franchise was ever defined. Either I missed that in Star Wars (which is certainly possible), or the artist for the Phenom crossed franchises.
I'm curious about the fuel port labeled "DILITHIUM CRYSTALS." Dilithium was the stated basis for the Enterprise's warp drive in the Star Trek franchise. I don't recall that the basis for the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive in the Star Wars franchise was ever defined. Either I missed that in Star Wars (which is certainly possible), or the artist for the Phenom crossed franchises.

Definite crossing over
If I had the money,for a personal jet,I might give it a unique wrap. Each to their own.
This one is up there on my list too. I really liked the contrast between the matte black and super shiny high buffed colors. Really have to see it in person to take that in.

Meh I guess I'll be in the minority. I don't really see a reason to turn your aircraft into a cartoon. There are plenty of nice looking paint schemes out there. There is such a thing as "too much" and this is an example of it, in my opinion. Never understood why people wanna take something that's already perfect and "nerd it up" to get attention..:dunno:

Dude is trying too hard..

I'll second that.
ANA has done this Star Wars paint on one of their 787s...pretty cool imo
