Mild plaque in Calcium heart CT Scan - Concern for 3rd class med?


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I am a 40 yo male. My doctor put me on statins for elevated LDL and family history of stroke/high cholesterol/BP. She also recommended a CT scan as a preventative. The calcium score came out to be "0" everywhere except for the LAD which was 18.49. The doctor didn't think it was an issue but recommended a cardiologist visit. I have scheduled a visit. I had no symptoms (no chest pain, etc.) or diagnosed with any other heart issues or other health issues. I ran a 10k recently in 90 deg temp with no issues. I contacted my AME but no response yet. Did anyone has experienced a similar situation? Is this a concern for my medical? Should I stop flying now? Thanks in advance.
Stress treadmill with the Cardiologist, if you really want to know in a meaningful way....
Stress treadmill with the Cardiologist, if you really want to know in a meaningful way....
Thank you, doc for your response. OP here. I saw my cardiologist who recommended a stress test. I will update the progress.
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