Merry Christmas !

Yea, whatever. :D

Merry Christmas to all of you from the rolling hills of Tennessee. Enjoy your time with loved ones and friends.
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Merry Christmas from the Rockies! (the mountains, not the MLB 'riod boys"
Thanks for the wish, Alon. Merry Christmas to all from America's Dairyland! Travel safe, and if you are flying, be sure to turn your TCAS on and keep a lookout for a fast moving 8hp aircraft.
Best wishes from a cold suffering South Carolinian!

(Rudolph's not the only one with a red nose tonight)
Thank You, and Merry Christmas, Safe & Happy Holidays and a Great New Year to all.
Pennsylvania will chime in here with Merry Christmas greetings to all.

Peace on Earth is probably a bridge too far.:(
Merry Christmas from central NC! And from all the craziness on the news right now, we have a ways to go on the whole peace thing..........
Merry Christmas from the first state!!!

Now y'all get to bed and fast asleep so Santa can drop off all his goodies!!!!
Okay, I'm the first one to say it actually on Christmas Day (at least where I am!) Merry Christmas!
A very Merry Christmas to all. Being part of this community is a great privilege and I look forward to sharing my experiences as well as learning from yours in the future.

I even get to go flying today, I'm excited! :yes:

Warm Regards,
Merry Christmas to all from GMT -5! CAVU right now.... Santa had no Wx delays... got to go see what is under the tree!

Merry Christmas from the red dirt of Oklahoma. Please remember to keep those men and women in uniform in your thoughts and prayers as we gather with our friends and families and they continue to do their duty wherever an assignment took them. Pray for Peace!
Marr Chrismess. (sort of "Its a Wonderful Life"ish) from the dirt brown prairie of Albuquerque (with hints of white snow that hasn't yet melted away).

Did Santa bring you what YOU wanted this year? ;)

(Me, I would've preferred something with pseudoephedrine... phenylephrine sucks.)
Merry Christmas from the far west, have a happy New Year as well. To the first poster I say stay safe and hope you get the job done and get home real soon. Bob ( Oregon)
Merry Xmas! Hope you had a wonderful time with your families - no matter what holiday you are celebrating right now.

(some of you may even have gotten the "Merry Xmas text" as I drove the looooooong way home today... the first time I have driven home in about 4 years now... booooooooooring drive).