Touchdown! Greaser!
I'd like to see AoA gauges as an option on GA airplanes. I would NOT, however, support making them mandatory. I'd tend to think AoA gauges wouldn't really even help with most of the low altitude stall/spin accidents anyway. Those accidents usually happen after the pilot got miles behind the airplane in the first place, and an AoA gauge would likely go completely unnoticed while they're yanking and banking in a panic.
At the very least an AoA gauge provides the opportunity to greatly enhance one's understanding of where the low speed edges of the envelope are. In addition it's not hard to train someone to at least glance at an AoA indicator anytime you're maneuvering near the ground or in any situation where a stall might have serious consequences, much like I learned a long time ago to check my car's rear view mirror any time I find it necessary to brake hard or in an unusual place. Finally most of the Alpha Systems AoA systems (which sell for $600-1600) have a voice alert that should get one's attention even in a high stress situation.