Medical Upgrade Question



I saw a therapist about marital issues about ten years ago (at the time, I was afraid my wife and I were heading towards divorce, she didn't get along with my family; you know how it goes). Found out years after the fact that--wouldn't you know it--he'd diagnosed me with some kind of anxiety issue for insurance reimbursement purposes. There was no referral to an MD or any medication involved.

Last year, I tracked him down and I was able to obtain a letter in which he explains that the therapy was for marital issues, and that my condition had "markedly improved" or something along those lines by the time I stopped seeing him. It probably wasn't what Dr. B would call perfect, but I ran it by my AME (before actually applying for the medical) and was successfully issued a third class after the AME convinced me that the letter would be sufficient. It is my understanding that this letter went to the FAA along with the rest of the package.

I've recently decided to pursue a commercial certificate and would like to go from third to first or second class. Should I just go in and mark Yes/PRNC on the form, or will I need to somehow obtain more information? I'd like to insure myself against this becoming a problem in the future (unless I already have).
I had a similar situation. I first reported a history of Anxiety and Depression for my medical in 2006 with all of the required documentation and was issued a 3rd class (after an initial deferral). This year in May I upgraded to 2nd Class without any additional documentation required.
I agree, it shouldn't be a problem. My wife had a similar situation. Her current AME refers to the solution as losing 170 lbs (her ex-husband).
The standards are not different for 2nd vs. 3rd. This should not be a problem. For First, sometimes, esp. for the inital issuance, if the period off of medication is only 60-90 days, they require a one year follow up whcih makes it a short special issuance.
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(OP here) Thank you, Dr. C. That is exactly the kind of information I was looking for.

Again, no medication was indicated or taken. My main concern is the verbiage in the letter (along the lines of "markedly improved") and the fact that there was never a followup--I simply stopped going to the guy after I felt I no longer needed to. He is difficult to get ahold of these days, and seemed reluctant to write anything about someone he saw so long ago and barely remembers. Paper never refuses ink--I want to get my ducks lined up before I sign an application.

My wife had a similar situation. Her current AME refers to the solution as losing 170 lbs (her ex-husband).
I'll leave my ex wife's weight out of this. It'd be best for all involved. ;)
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