Medical hassle in Columbia

Lance F

PoA Supporter
Apr 9, 2005
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Lance F
Medical hassle in Colombia

This may or may not be of general interest, but it got my attention.

I flew into Medellin, Colombia today - FO in a part 91 operation. They check the pilots' medical certificates on arrival which isn't unusual. I have a first class medical that I let go to second class for the last 6 months. I am in those last 6 months now, and the Federales here won't accept it. They're demanding a letter from our FAA saying my medical is good. We've got somebody in the states working on this, but what a hassle.

Apparently this demand is not unusual. The FAA knew exactly what they wanted. I don't know what happens if I don't get this letter. I guess we don't leave. :sad:
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That's interesting, Lance. I haven't had that issue before. Probably ought to take note since I'm on a first class that's now lapsed to third and might need to go back to Mexico in a couple of months. They've never given me much trouble, though, maybe because I'm flying little planes.

I'm sure you'll get it and get home just fine. But yeah, what a hassle.
Said bureaucrat is faceless. The complaint is registered through our handler.

(And it would be so politically incorrect to encourage smoking :rofl:)
Re: Medical hassle in Colombia

Since they don't seem to know that an FAA first class medical certificate confers second class privileges for a year, I'm wondering how they know that the first class privileges are only valid for six months, given that medical certificates don't have expiration dates printed on them. :confused:

Oh well, at least it's good that the FAA seems to know what to do about it.
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If they've done it before it is a shakedown, otherwise I could understand the confusion. No one would believe a driver's license has moped privileges after it expires.
Welcome to the world of flying in foreign countries. How much money did you bring to bribe the fueler?
Most ICAO states don't have a "sliding" medical such as the US, hence the confusion.

If one flies a lot of international it's best to have everything standardized such as if it says "First Class" then be within the limitations of First Class.

And American dollars readily available will help the problem go away. ;)
And yes, in some countries you can be arrested and detained for not having the correct documentation. Your handler should be aware of the requirements and advised accordingly.
Why are you getting a first-class, isn't that only required for scheduled air-carrier operations ?
First of all Mexico and Columbia are two very different countries. When I had an issue with my medical and the address they faxed it within a day or two the change and mailed it of course. They knew I needed it within 2 days and helped me.
Re: Medical hassle in Colombia

Why are you getting a first-class, isn't that only required for scheduled air-carrier operations ?

Good question. I do it because I can and have for a number of years. Just seemed like a good idea at the time to improve my cred with anyone who'd like to hire me.
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Why are you getting a first-class, isn't that only required for scheduled air-carrier operations ?
No. Per 61.23(a)(1)(i), it is required for any operation requiring an ATP, and that includes some non-121 operations, too. For example, flying PIC in a multi-engine jet for a fractional operating under Subpart K (like NetJets) requires an ATP even though it isn't a scheduled operation. See 91.1053(a)(2)(i) . Same under Part 135 for "an airplane having a passenger-seat configuration, excluding each crewmember seat, of 10 seats or more", even if not in scheduled operations -- see 135.243(a)(1).
Any company can require a first class. Flying into Canada under a part 135 operation requires both crews to have a first class as well.
Re: Medical hassle in Colombia

I see why the guy was hassling you: You misspelled the name of his country! :D
I'll be a couple of cartons of Marlboros would make the problem go away pronto.

I think that should be included in the "handling" charge.

Only half-kidding here. Part of handing is "making this stuff go away"..

Yup, shakedown. Or, to be more precise 'la mordida'. I got it in Mexico, Thailand, and Korea. my favorite one was at the state border of Quintana Roo and Campeche. I had some packaged sliced ham in the cooler, and the state border guards said I couldn't take pork between state lines. So, I made the family some big sandwiches and we sat there in car and ate it all. Buh-bye!
Re: Medical hassle in Colombia

Just got the eligibility letter from FAA and sent it to the handler. I may be flying out of here after all ;)
I've got to say, the FAA (Aerospace Medical Certification Div) was very responsive.
Re: Medical hassle in Colombia

Just got the eligibility letter from FAA and sent it to the handler. I may be flying out of here after all ;)
I've got to say, the FAA (Aerospace Medical Certification Div) was very responsive.

They probabably know the rascals at the different foreign airports on a first name basis by now.
Re: Medical hassle in Colombia

Just got the eligibility letter from FAA and sent it to the handler. I may be flying out of here after all ;)
I've got to say, the FAA (Aerospace Medical Certification Div) was very responsive.

Glad to hear it!
Said bureaucrat is faceless. The complaint is registered through our handler.

(And it would be so politically incorrect to encourage smoking :rofl:)

Marlboro Reds make the world go round my man, seriously, and American Coke. When I ran tugs down on Central and South America runs, we carried cases of both for just that reason. A carton and a 12 pack for every official we needed a stamp from.
Marlboro Reds make the world go round my man, seriously, and American Coke.
Ain't that the should see how pi$$ed off foreign harbor pilots get when you try to give them Winstons or anything other than Marlborogh Reds.
surprising they prefer american coke much of the foreign coke is made with real sugar.