Can't remember if I told you this. Smartest undergrad to ever grace my lab wound up at the Mayo. I suspect they're a really smart bunch.
They're scary smart. What you don't like to hear from them or see on their faces is an indication THEY ran out of ideas...
I could see a bit of that plus frustration from the Mayo neuro at the imagry last year. The leftover "scar tissue" in one vertebrae of the spinal cord and the right hand symptoms clearly bothered her. She wanted that to get better.
She didn't say it, but she kept looking at the hand and you could tell the look if you've ever been am engineer on a doomed project. Ha. The wheels turn and keep hitting a limit... No we can't do that treatment any more... This one won't work... That one definitely won't work...
Sometimes the analog systems she deals with and the digital systems I deal with, alike... are just broken...
We exchanged looks. There wasn't any words really needed. That hand is going to stay somewhat screwed up. Can play what ifs all day... Sooner treatment maybe it ends up better... Maybe not... Do a pile of therapy, maybe it helps maybe it's just painful for no gain...
Spinal cords are just tough to fix. Maybe someday someone can peek at mine after I'm dead and learn the pathology of what happened and help the next patient. Never know.
I do know they can't let me be an organ donor!!! Hahaha. Nobody wants those now!!!