Mass I - heard while flying

Bob Noel

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Jun 7, 2008
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Bob Noel
I finally finally FINALLY got to do some flying today.
There was an interesting exchange when a pilot
called for flight following with a tail number of Mass 1.

Apparently the Chairman of the Massachusetts Aeronautical
Commission has an Archer with Mass 1 tail number.
(actually, I don't know if it's his registration or call sign).

aside: He was on his way up to Alton Bay for a fly-in.
Can't be his N-number. Must just be a callsign he uses. How was the flyin' today?
How was the flyin' today?

The flying today was just about perfect. Light winds, CAVU,
pretty smooth. A beautiful day to get up and check out
my transponder repair (overheating KT-76).
Mass 1 isn't listed in JO7340.2A, so it must be a local designator under a LOA with the local ATC facility.
Hmmm, maybe I'll file a letter for ANTIMASS 2, topping his Mass 1...
