Marijuana Use

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Yes, if you ignore the pollution that nuclear energy produces by only focusing on one part of life cycle then it looks very clean.

And, in fairness, it's not a super terrible option from an environmental perspective. A lot of its harmful pollutants can be controlled and sequestered, which is not something you can say of fossil fuels.
IMHO I have never seen an honest cost-benefit analysis. It is just too politicized. I laugh at the electric car crowd touting "pollution free transportation," well... except for that huge coal fired power-plant that moves all the electrons back and forth in the first place. Human beings die digging fossil fuels from the earth and transporting them, they die from the pollution created by burning them. Destroying mountaintops, fracking, and off-shore drilling degrade the environment. Turbines kill birds, dams kill fish... No system is perfect. To pretend that the waste handling and storage issues with nuclear power are uniquely unsolvable is self-deception. To do anything "right" (or "wrong") entails cost.

It was advertised for a long time as being power that would be too cheap to meter.
Nothing is ever "too cheap to meter," even when it currently is. In the 1970s one of the big cities in the east (I forget which one, EC 101 was 30+ years ago) decided that the cost of billing for water was roughly equal to receipts from water service. So they decided to stop billing. The fact that people pay for things requires them to make choices. Water was almost free, but people turned off the taps, replaced leaky washers, and reported broken lines when they paid for it.

Once they stopped paying for it, use tripled. And the number of service calls to repair broken water lines fell dramatically. Because the city had stopped billing but had not removed the meters they were able to plot the "learning curve" as residents became more and more wasteful because there was no economic incentive to conserve and a time disincentive to report problems.
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No system is perfect.


To pretend that the waste handling and storage issues with nuclear power are uniquely unsolvable is self-deception.

I mean, it hasn't been solved yet, despite enormous investment. So, sure, maybe they are solvable. But, since we've had about 75 years since the beginning of the nuclear age and still don't have this problem solved, I'm happily in "I'll believe it when I see it" mode on this one.
Yes, if you ignore the pollution that nuclear energy produces by only focusing on one part of life cycle then it looks very clean.

...But it's notable that you haven't disputed a single fact I've typed. ‍

I mean, it's a fact that nuclear power is vastly more expensive than other sources. It's a fact that the reason for this is because it's expensive to do safely. I'm not sure how you could possibly dispute those statements.
Hold my beer. Verifiable data with sources below; at best it's a wash after subsidies, which have their own cost.

IMHO I have never seen an honest cost-benefit analysis.

Can't help with the B sided of the CBA, but the costs across the spectrum are well known. Lazard is in it's fifteenth year of data collection and analysis on the subject, see Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis—Version 15.0. Even they note societal costs and consequences are difficult to measure...wonder why that is.

Subsidized Renewable vs Marginal Conventional

The full, 21-page analysis is informative.
to get back to the OP question. I would definately contact AOPA legal services and run this by them. they are the ones I turn to with any medical questions and they have many resources at their finger tips to find the most appropriate answer.
Regarding the thread drift. 1) smoke week/ drink alcohol or whatever you like. just don't fly or drive impaired. live and let live 2) I live in Iowa with hundreds if not thousands of wind turbines. when I fly it seems like 25% of them are off line and not producing any electricity on any given flight and i see many cut up turbine blades in stacks waiting to be disposed of. sometimes the "green" energy may not be so green after all?
I live in Iowa with hundreds if not thousands of wind turbines. when I fly it seems like 25% of them are off line and not producing any electricity on any given flight and i see many cut up turbine blades in stacks waiting to be disposed of.
They make the blades along the river just north of Kenosha (Siemens IIRC). It takes three 90' rail cars to move one, and like helicopter blades, they are life limited.
…wind turbines. when I fly it seems like 25% of them are off line and not producing any electricity on any given flight and i see many cut up turbine blades in stacks waiting to be disposed of. sometimes the "green" energy may not be so green after all?

Wind farms have an capacity factor (cf, avg power/max power) of 34%. Taking into consideration wind farms are designed for a 20-30yr life span, at any given point, 2/3ds of the field is non-producing. As an itinerant, intermediate generator, they are called on when conditions are economically advantageous to add their power to the grid instead of other intermediate load sources.
I challenge anyone to drive for 15 minutes in the LA Basin and not encounter one incredibly obvious example of the the above statement.

Challenge accepted. Of course it was rush hour and I was trying to get to Valencia from LAX, and we didn't move on the highway at all for like 20 minutes. But in that 20 minutes I didn't witness any unsafe driving. :D
Challenge accepted. Of course it was rush hour and I was trying to get to Valencia from LAX, and we didn't move on the highway at all for like 20 minutes. But in that 20 minutes I didn't witness any unsafe driving. :D

Maybe it was you being unsafe? ;)
It's important to always disclose any past drug use to the FAA when applying for a medical certificate, regardless of whether or not it was disclosed before.
Alternatively, honestly answer the questions they actually ask. They ask what legal drugs you are currently taking and what illegal drugs you have taken in the last 2 years.

Probably bad advice to answer questions not actually asked.
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