Man grounds 40 flights at O'Hare! TSA inspector man.


Touchdown! Greaser!
Gone West
Feb 12, 2005
Lake County, IL
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The TSA agent was attempting to determine if someone could break into a parked aircraft, ...

Pilots were furious at the TSA misstep.

"The brilliant employees used an instrument located just below the cockpit window that is critical to the operation of the onboard computers," one pilot wrote on an American Eagle internet forum. "They decided this instrument, the TAT probe, would be adequate to use as a ladder," the pilot wrote.

Another pilot wrote the TSA agents, "are now doing things to our aircraft that may put our lives, and the lives of our passengers at risk."

I hope he gets the recognition he deserves at annual review time.

Imagine if the damage had gone undetected. Jets have crashed due to the crew not dealing with instrument faliure due to blocked pitot ports.
"Our inspector was following routine procedure for securing the aircraft that were on the tarmac," Montenegro told
You mean they regularly do this!:hairraise::hairraise:

Mesa said it was imposing a "zero-tolerance" policy for such violations, threatening employees with dismissal.
Well, if pilots are authorized to carry weapons in the cockpit, are they authorized to shoot (to maim, of course), any TSA agent who attempts to do this to their airplane?:rofl::dunno:
I know they hire stupid people but this sure takes a dive on the intelligence meter. There sure as hell isn't any common sense involved. If injury resulted from such damage, I don't think that "agent" would be protected by any immunity and they shouldn't be.
I know they hire stupid people but this sure takes a dive on the intelligence meter. There sure as hell isn't any common sense involved. If injury resulted from such damage, I don't think that "agent" would be protected by any immunity and they shouldn't be.

Wrong. The investigation would be stymied by the TSA claiming national security, just like they do when a TSA agent gets caught stealing, or smuggling or worse. Bringing down an airliner wouldn't be much of stretch.

Imagine when they soon get their way and can do this to our GA planes. The difference is they won't admit to doing it.

I'm sure the guy was checking for dangerous bottled water.
I'd like to know how this was discovered. I gotta imagine that even if a captain saw dis goof climb up on the TAT port, the goof could deny, deny, deny and the TSA would threaten the pilot.

Musta been one of the security cameras that caught the threat. Can you say irony?
If that "inspector" is still around at review time I'll be.....not surprised.

In Aero-News reporting, they said the damage was discovered because the onboard computers of several airplanes reported a similar error. Once the damage was located, I'm sure that lead to some video viewing.
How does a person justify climbing on a plane? Well, after having witnessed numerous people poke and prod a $225 airplane model which was surrounded by "DO NOT TOUCH" signs, I can understand. People just do what they want to. They never learned there are consequences nor do they care. It's all about ME!
That man should be made to pay for the damages done and the lost revenue.
Mesa said it was imposing a "zero-tolerance" policy for such violations, threatening employees with dismissal.
You would hope that Mesa is talking about yahoos climbing on a parked airplane and endangering lives to say nothing about costing hundreds (thousands?) of dollars in repair bills. But you would be disappointed because he is talking about air crew who park the planes where they can be climbed upon.
Another airline, Mesa Air Group, told its employees earlier this month that "48 percent of all TSA investigations involving Mesa Air Group involve a failure to maintain area/aircraft security."
You would hope that Mesa is talking about yahoos climbing on a parked airplane and endangering lives to say nothing about costing hundreds (thousands?) of dollars in repair bills. But you would be disappointed because he is talking about air crew who park the planes where they can be climbed upon.
Mesa can only fire their own employees. That article was poorly edited and I think that line is directed at the Mesa security violations. All Mesa can do about the TSA is let the story get into the press where TSA will say once again "we always do this"

Another example of TSA earning their name; Thousands of Stupid As....les
I saw this as well. Mike I think your being to light on the TSA this is ABSOLUTLY UNFREAKING BELIVABLE!! What a bunch of freaking knuckle heads. This country needs security not the illusion of security. Using Pitot tubes and TATs as steps and hand holds. I mean I am just amazed what an idiot. Perhaps I shouldn't be amazed. :mad:
unfortunately, our tax dollars at work promoting this stupidity, and our tax dollars at work to defend the lawsuit, sure to follow and our tax dollars at work for the resulting payout for damages ... I'm afraid taxation WITH representation has gotten as foul as our forefather's taxation WITHOUT representation.
He'll probably get a raise and a promotion for showing initiative :mad:

Imagine what he was doing crawling up on the TAT port. "Yep! The window on the front doesn't open! On to the next one!"
TSA is now trying to spin this in a way that makes Eagle look bad instead of TSA:

Is there no low to which they'll stoop?

I love how the screen comments with "Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."

IE: don't disagree with us too strongly or you won't disagree with us.
I love how the screen comments with "Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."

IE: don't disagree with us too strongly or you won't disagree with us.

Comments require the commenter's full name which is immediately added to the No Fly list.
Comments require the commenter's full name which is immediately added to the No Fly list.

Not true. You can post anonymously. Suggest you also use an IP anonymizer.
According to Aero-news, a TSA internal memo seems to encourage this type of behavior. I'm just wondering WHY the TSA is allowed to roam about the airport without an FAA inspector with them. Isn't THAT a breach of security?
According to Aero-news, a TSA internal memo seems to encourage this type of behavior. I'm just wondering WHY the TSA is allowed to roam about the airport without an FAA inspector with them. Isn't THAT a breach of security?

Now THAT would be funny...

A little line, like Kindergarteners going to recess....

The TSA inspector being watched by FAA Inspector being watched by Airport Security being watched by Company Representative being watched by Airport Authority Representative being watched by US Air Marshall being watched by Local Law Enforcement...
But isn't that the point? Even us pilots are, on occasion, forced to be escorted back and forth to OUR planes at some [think MASSPORT] airports even though we have airport badges.
If I were the manager at ORD, I would change the rule "for the safety of the flying public". Restrict their access NOW!
But isn't that the point? Even us pilots are, on occasion, forced to be escorted back and forth to OUR planes at some [think MASSPORT] airports even though we have airport badges.
If I were the manager at ORD, I would change the rule "for the safety of the flying public". Restrict their access NOW!

Maybe airports with security problems should employ the Two man Policy -- no none can roam alone (which is a burdensome, pain in the a$$ way to work -- I worked under that policy for 4 years)
And if the TSA debacle wasn't today's news:

WASHINGTON - A hacker broke into a Homeland Security Department telephone system over the weekend and racked up about $12,000 in calls to the Middle East and Asia

Let's's called the Homeland SECURITY Department and they can't even secure their own phone system.

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And if the TSA debacle wasn't today's news:

WASHINGTON - A hacker broke into a Homeland Security Department telephone system over the weekend and racked up about $12,000 in calls to the Middle East and Asia

Let's's called the Homeland SECURITY Department and they can't even secure their own phone system.


The the Middle East and Asia????

"Hello, Al Qeada hotline..."

"This is a collect call..."
BTW it is being reported this morning that the TSA is considering fining American Eagle of these security breaches that this idiot inspector found.,0,5107335.story

TSA investigation is under way and could result in the security agency taking action against the airline, including fines, said agency spokesman Elio Montenegro.

"The aircraft needed to be secure and they weren't," Montenegro said. "It should not have happened."
Talk about CYA.

We need to get these TSA morons out of the mix of security ASAP.
The the Middle East and Asia????

"Hello, Al Qeada hotline..."

"This is a collect call..."

You are paying for the department of homeland security, and a hacker just pointed out to you that the product you got is defective. You should thank them and be disappointed with the person who sold you said product.

I don't love all hackers. I love these kinds of hackers. They are performing a service.
I hope activities of this sort are not related to this news:

Spanair says it does not know the cause of the crash. It says the pilot of the US-built MD-82 airliner initially reported a problem with a gauge that measures temperature outside the plane. This delayed the takeoff.

The plane then crashed at the end of the runway during the second takeoff attempt, burning and largely disintegrating.
BTW it is being reported this morning that the TSA is considering fining American Eagle of these security breaches that this idiot inspector found.,0,5107335.story

Talk about CYA.

We need to get these TSA morons out of the mix of security ASAP.
The airlines should sue for damages and loss of revenue. The passengers should sue as well, for the inconvenience caused. Not just the TSA but the individual inspector. Maybe if the inspectors had some skin in the game, they wouldn't go monkeying around where they don't have a clue.
Of course, let one of them get sucked into an engine and the TSA will be on a tear.
This was published today by Point Niner:

The recent post on a TSA inspector damaging 9 American Eagle aircraft at O'Hare drew an enormous amount of honest personal views on what people think of the TSA. This post should only exacerbate those feelings. Instead of apologizing for the now highly publicized incident of using sensitive TAT probes to climb on top of aircraft, the TSA is actually considering levying fines on American Eagle for not properly securing the aircraft. Here's what the TSA posted on their website:

On August 19 a Transportation Security Inspector (TSI) was conducting a routine compliance inspection on aircraft parked on the airfield at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport (ORD). The TSI inspected nine American Eagle aircraft to look for and test, among other things, access vulnerabilities or areas were someone with ill intent could gain access to the aircraft.

Aircraft operators are required to secure each aircraft when left unattended. The TSIs are encouraged to look for and follow through on vulnerabilities. During the inspection process at ORD the Inspector used a Total Air Temperature (TAT) probe – a probe that protrudes from the side of the aircraft that is used to measure outside air temperature – to pull himself up while investigating possible access vulnerabilities with the unattended aircraft.

The Inspector was following through on regulatory inspection activity. The Inspector was able to gain access to the interior of seven of the nine aircraft inspected, which is an apparent violation of the airline’s security program. TSA is reviewing the inspection results and depending on the conclusion, could take action with the airline, up to and including levying of civil penalties.

While the inspection process is a vital layer of aviation security, it is not TSA’s intent to cause delays or potential damage to aircraft as a result of our inspections. TSA took immediate steps to re-enforce education about sensitive equipment located on the exterior of a plane.

Somehow I don't think that last paragraph is going to make any Eagle pilots feel any better about the whole ordeal. The TSA's blog also was quick to point out that this was no ordinary screener but a highly trained and qualified inspector. Wait for it...wait for it...uhmm...nope. No credibility reestablished here.
I cannot find the actual statement on the TSA site. But its attempt to pass the blame certainly seems to fall in line with the usual government deniability and even more so with the TSA's ineptness and downright stupidity in both management and a good number of their employees.
This was published today by Point Niner:

I cannot find the actual statement on the TSA site. But its attempt to pass the blame certainly seems to fall in line with the usual government deniability and even more so with the TSA's ineptness and downright stupidity in both management and a good number of their employees.

You know, I don't feel like this very often...but the way that TSA is handling this makes me want to punch somebody in the face. The total lack of accountability for their actions is astonishing to me. Add to that the fact that they seem to have a free pass to screw up as many things as possible without feeling any sort of congressional pressure. This is the first thing in a while that really makes me want to call my congresscritter and complain. Anybody in a district with a representative on the House subcommittee?
Why is ANYONE surprised the TSA is defending the actions of the inspector?
TSA has done many many many things that don't enhance security. TSA
has demonstrated no knowledge of security or the aviation domain. The
result is "security" regulations/requirements/procedures that waste money
Why is ANYONE surprised the TSA is defending the actions of the inspector?
TSA has done many many many things that don't enhance security. TSA
has demonstrated no knowledge of security or the aviation domain. The
result is "security" regulations/requirements/procedures that waste money
I am not surprised at all. What I am surprised about is that we, the American people, have not marched on the airports and removed these idiots from the systems using our powers as citizens!

Well why are not more people complaining to lawmakers and the press about the TSA? Could it that people are far to afraid of then getting on a terrorist watch list? Is the TSA the America Gestapo?
I am not surprised at all. What I am surprised about is that we, the American people, have not marched on the airports and removed these idiots from the systems using our powers as citizens!

Well why are not more people complaining to lawmakers and the press about the TSA? Could it that people are far to afraid of then getting on a terrorist watch list? Is the TSA the America Gestapo?

I can't believe that not even one pol is willing to even make a statement that ummm....there may be a little bit if a hint of lack of customer focus.

I guess they're still very afraid of the of the third rail of "Then you must be wit' duh terrists!"

I trust that the courts will eventually get us our country back but it's gonna take a long, long, long time.

What occurred to me is we really miss Johnny Carson. If he began doing nightly "TSA hijinks" jokes in the monolog, eventually if would become an American meme and the meme would become action. Recall how he cost Jerry Ford the Presidency by joking about him being a stumblebum. Jay L:eno hasn't got the fortitude on inclination to take a stand. Letterman would.

The other problem is those guys are flying on G4s, not airliners. If the TSA makes the move to go after GA that could be their fatal mistake.
The TSA is apparently competing with the terrorists in attempting to cause the most harm.
>The TSA is apparently competing with the terrorists in attempting to cause the most harm.

TSA has won that battle.