Man Blames Planes For Divorce, Seeks $555 Million


If you are going to make that type of allegation you need to back it up with some facts.

Ask Doc Bruce what his malpractice insurance runs him. ;)

"But frivolous lawsuits cost us billions every year"

“What Is Lawsuit Abuse Costing Your Family? : The alleged answer: $3,520 a year : that works out to about $880 per person: .
The Tillinghast study didn’t claim the American lawsuit system was broken. The introduction reads: “This study takes no position on whether tort costs are too high or too low. … Further, this study examines only one side of the U.S. tort system: the costs. No attempt has been made to measure or quantify the benefits of the tort system.”
There are lots of problems with this study to make one wonder how accurate the number actually is. Even in the article it talks of how difficult it is to place REAL estimates on the costs. I am not convinced.

As I said earlier the reason I believe that these cases are not a problem is because when they happen they get reported on. Just like plane accidents they are so rare that when one happens it is news. If the cases were as common as a car accident it would hardly be news.

I am also not convinced that loser pays would solve anything except that big companies could no longer be held responsible when they inevitably screw up. I spent a lot of time in China where lawsuits against companies just don't happen. That country is a polluted cesspool filled with all kinds of hazards and people who are abused by a system of corporate and government greed. The best defense we have against big money and big government is our court system and I for one would not want to see it turned into a system that gives them all the advantage.

And BTW the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform is a part of the US Chamber of Commerce. A group dedicated to helping big business. So of course they want tort reform. Because it helps them to make even higher profits and be less responsive when the screw up.
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I am also not convinced that loser pays would solve anything except that big companies could no longer be held responsible when they inevitably screw up. I spent a lot of time in China where lawsuits against companies just don't happen. That country is a polluted cesspool filled with all kinds of hazards and people who are abused by a system of corporate and government greed. The best defense we have against big money and big government is our court system and I for one would not want to see it turned into a system that gives them all the advantage.

And BTW the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform is a part of the US Chamber of Commerce. A group dedicated to helping big business. So of course they want tort reform. Because it helps them to make even higher profits and be less responsive when the screw up.

I actually agree with you, Scott, regarding cases where there was some element of merit. Businesses do need the threat of litigation as a counter-balance to putting out shoddy products.

I'm only talking about the worst of the worst -- those suits that are obviously frivolous, meritless, and have no basis in fact.

Mostly adectocal reports. There is a real lack of any real data in anyone of those. They pick one case and extrapolate that there is a problem. Or the one that cited an unnamed study. Pretty funny stuff or pretty sad when you think about it.

I am sure that there are frivolous lawsuits, don't get me wrong. But to want to destroy our system of justice seems like an even worse solution.

Part of the big problem is us.

By 'us' I mean the American public that more often than not considers jury duty as something that is an inconvenience and that if you are not smart enough to get out of it you are a loser.

It is juries that often make these awards after hearing the cases. If one wants to really affect change in the tort system then be a part of the system when it is your turn to be in the jury pool. Be a voice of reason!

Otherwise we get these types of awards that are ridiculous. Over all I think we have a pretty good system. It has worked well for over 200 years.
I'm only talking about the worst of the worst -- those suits that are obviously frivolous, meritless, and have no basis in fact.
Oh I agree there are suits like that. It would be nice to figure out how to get them out of the system fast. But I still think they are rare enough that our whole legal system is not broke. I wonder if part of the problem is also too many lawyers? They have to stay employed some how and there is a sucker born every minute that will pay a lawyer to file a lawsuit on his behalf. Some lawyers, as in any profession, will do whatever it takes to make a buck. You see advertising on TV all the time.
I still think the best way to reform our legal system would be to award the actual and compensatory damages to the plaintiff and the punitive damages to... Something else. Government (fund the court system, reduce taxes), charity, a legal fund for those who really need a lawyer but can't afford one, something. But punitive damages going to the plaintiff means plaintiffs get a lottery win, and that's what makes the frivolous lawsuits go.
Now here's how to solve most cases
1.Give the defendant a shot of truth serum
2.Ask him if he did it
3.If yes,penalize, if no, set him free
Just think lawsuits solved in 15 min., not weeks ,months,years.
Customer buys coffee at McD's, spills get's burned. Want's to sue.
1. Court: They get there "shot"
2. Did you want cold coffee? "No", Did you buy hot coffee? "Yes"
3. Did someone throw it on you? "no"
4. Did you spill it on yourself? "Yes"
5. Case closed
:rofl::rofl::rofl:, but would'nt it be nice if it were that simple?:rolleyes:
Now here's how to solve most cases
1.Give the defendant a shot of truth serum
2.Ask him if he did it
3.If yes,penalize, if no, set him free
Just think lawsuits solved in 15 min., not weeks ,months,years.
Customer buys coffee at McD's, spills get's burned. Want's to sue.
1. Court: They get there "shot"
2. Did you want cold coffee? "No", Did you buy hot coffee? "Yes"
3. Did someone throw it on you? "no"
4. Did you spill it on yourself? "Yes"
5. Did they tell you hot coffee between the legs could burn your "naughty bits"?
6. Case closed
:rofl::rofl::rofl:, but would'nt it be nice if it were that simple?:rolleyes:
there u go
Welcome to the system and life...where sometimes crappy things happen to good people and there is no "compensation" for it. *shrug*

One can have the same attitude with the lack (mostly) of loser pays. This is the system and get over it.