Why are they telling me "MH+RB=MB" when the needle points to the station?
The needle should be pointing to the MB. No math required correct?
I got the test questions right on the first go round but this time, I gotsa know the WHY? Ya feelin me?
I assume this is regarding ADF/NDB...
Say you are headed due north (assume all directions magnetic), and the station is due east of your position. In this case the ADF needle will point to your 3 o'clock. If your ADF bezel is set so that north is up, then the needle will indicate "090" and all is correct, since that's the magnetic bearing of the station.
But, if you are headed due east, toward the station, everything else being the same, the needle will point straight up, to your 12 o'clock position, and will therefore indicate "360" or "000", which is *not* the magnetic bearing to the station.
So in this case you can either turn the bezel to match your heading (090), in which case the needle will correctly indicate 090, or just mentally add: "I am headed toward the station, and am at 090 heading, therefore the station is at 090 magnetic bearing from me."
Bottom line: unless the bezel is automatically kept at your current heading, you either need to manually rotate it, or mentally correct for it (i.e. rotate it in your head).