M-I-L hospitalized :( :(


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
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Everything Offends Me
Not going into details beyond this, but last night, my mother in law attempted to take her own life...the day before Mother's Day. Her note was clear on all the reasons behind her decision.

My wife has left for Albuquerque this morning for an indefinite amount of time to help the family recover.

Hold your moms close today.
I've been going through this on a near daily basis with a very..very close family member. It's extremely frustrating to me because it just seems like a selfish victim card and my personality doesn't jive with that. But I'm no expert and probably have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.
I've been going through this on a near daily basis with a very..very close family member. It's extremely frustrating to me because it just seems like a selfish victim card and my personality doesn't jive with that. But I'm no expert and probably have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.

I think you're a lot closer to accuracy than you are giving yourself credit for.
I had a friend make an attempt last January. It's incredibly difficult to deal with as you figure out what is needed. Be with your wife whenever you can. She is undoubtedly experiencing totally new emotional ground as she deals with her mother. It certainly can change a person. Best wishes for you and your wife.
If you have a mother, hang on to her tight, especially if she is very sad or not thinking straight (or both). She did it for you, for nine months and then some.
But don't blame yourself if you can't help her slay her dragons. It's her fight in the end.
That goes for anyone you love, but I lost my Mom around the same time of year, the same way, so this thread got my attention. I hope the family can help her through this; good luck.
This is very sad Nick. I'll be thinking of you and your family.
Prayers for serenity and acceptance for your Mother in Law, and for all of you in the family...

I've been going through this on a near daily basis with a very..very close family member. It's extremely frustrating to me because it just seems like a selfish victim card and my personality doesn't jive with that. But I'm no expert and probably have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.

I had a close friend in college that was going through this as well. It was hard for me to deal with because I was a "tell me what's wrong, and we'll fix it" type of person - problem is that she couldn't say what exactly was the 'problem'. :mad2:

I finally learned that simply being 'there' was the best thing I could do. Sometimes just sitting there with my mouth shut was the best 'help' I could offer.

Now, she has recovered and will be finishing up her PhD in Psychology in a few weeks so she can help others through what she went through...
Tough situation, Nick.. All I can say is just 'be there' for your wife when needed.. Not necessarily to 'fix' anything... just be a solid presence...
I'm sorry that you and your family are going through this, Nick. I know how it feels because my mother tried (and unfortunately succeeded) to take her life back when I was 12. She never left my father and I any note, so we never did really know what was behind it, hopefully, since your MIL is still with all of you, family can help her work through her issues and she will come out on the other side. Hugs.
No suicides in my family, and none with my pals. Total condolences, and I hope it works out for the better.

I don't know what to say, but I am sorry and I hope she recovers for her sake and her family's sake. Strength to your wife.

Sorry to hear Nick. I am sure you are being supportive to your wife and her Mom. They need you right now. Thoughts and prayers bro.
May you and your family (most importanty your MIL) find peace and comfort.
Sorry to hear this Nick. Best to you, your wife, and the other loved ones. I do hope that she gets the help she needs and that your wife finds comfort.