Hello, I'm bringing in my first plane for its first annual next month and the local IA suggested that he can inpect the clearance/gap of the push rods as part of the annual inspection. Engine is 0-360 A4M with 600 hrs SMOH and it seems to run fine with good compression measurements from the pre-buy. He said that he has been doing this check and finding many engines needing adjustment/new pushrods. He also said same customers have been happy and reporting increased power after the adjustment. Is there a recommended interval for checking the gap? Does anybody else recommend this check/adjustment?
I tend to be old school in regards to not taking something apart unless it is needed for some reason. I read a Mike Busch article stating that more issues occur from over-inspecting. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks
I tend to be old school in regards to not taking something apart unless it is needed for some reason. I read a Mike Busch article stating that more issues occur from over-inspecting. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks