Low-ish IFR departures

For me I find it much easier if I start my scan before I actually enter IMC. I don’t watch the plane enter the clouds I just put my eyes on the panel 10 seconds or so before I enter the clouds. Doing it this way I really don’t even notice it. If it’s all happening too fast just ask for delayed vectors as you clean up the plane. That’s working for me anyway.
My piece of advice would be proper setup before launching. With that, anticipate & start the scan early.

The easiest setup is the wings level climb. Even if you have to turn for whatever reason, the wings level portion can still be to 500-1000 AGL. Then if you can afford it, 15 AOB is easier than 30. Yes, of course could have terrain or SIDs to deal with.

If things are on the busy side, with an involved departure, proper ADM requires evaluation if one should even go, current weather factored in.