Looking for NTSB report - Two CFI's wreck a Seminole

Fearless Tower

Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 1, 2010
Norfolk, VA
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Fearless Tower
Does anyone know the NTSB report number or have a link to the report that covered the accident (I believe it was in FL) where two CFI's decided to test the FAA recommended technique of chopping the power if an engine failure occured before selecting gear up?
If you know the daste Etc you can try a search on NTSB.gov
Accident investigation tab ....databases...aircraft accidents
If you know the daste Etc you can try a search on NTSB.gov
Accident investigation tab ....databases...aircraft accidents

Unfortunately, I don't know the date, or recall most of the pertinent details. There have been alot of seminole accidents in FL in the last 10 years.
Wonder if it was an ATP bird, they own a large portion of the Seminoles on the planet. I'll see if I can find something.
NTSB has 99 Seminole accidents -- and 34 of them are in Florida!

Is this the one for which you are looking?
Not much detail in that old report. Report says the PIC was in the left seat, and was an ATP/CFI, but nothing about who was in the right seat -- could have been an MEI training flight. This one was owned by Phoenix East.
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