Here's a screengrab from a KML I've had. Not sure about its accuracy though.
Download here:
That site is very cool. It seems pretty accurate, but who knows. At any rate, I played around with it and created a much smaller KMZ file that only contains the Class B, C, and D airspace here in Southern California, i.e. the LAX bravo, the five Charlie's, a bunch of deltas, and the restricted space over Camp Pendleton. Here's a link that you can save and then open or, depending on your browser, may open up directly in Google Earth:
Southern California Airspace
It's interesting how much "flatter" the airspace looks compared with the mental cartoons we think about.
I fixed some of the airspace that goes together like puzzle pieces (e.g. Long Beach, Los Alamitos, and Fullerton).
I also changed the colors a bit so that the different types of airspace have different colors, and so that the bigger spaces are lighter colors and a little more transparent. It looks like the JPG below.
If you twirl the folders open inside of Google Earth, you can selectively turn off the bravo, or the charlies, to more clearly see the airspace beneath them.
I'm not sure what's going on with the interface between LAX and Santa Monica. Have to figure that out later. I think I'm done for now.