First I want to apologize for any violation of etiquette. I would like to say that it's not easy for me to ask for anything, and I apologize for going about it the wrong way. I never thought of posting the request in a forum setting like this until a friend (Private pilot) suggested it.
I am not a serial beggar, panhandler or bum. My phone number is listed below. If anyone would like to discuss this any further, or has advice, I'm always open to dialogue.
This approach is not something I took lightly or took for granted. I researched the crowd funding method for raising money and found that many legitimate people had success, and continued to "pay it forward" once they reached their goals.
I'd like to explain a few things that might clear up any misconceptions anyone has:
My daughter has started college. I have transferred the remainder of my Post 911 GI Bill benefits to her so that she can focus on school and won't be forced to take out a bunch of student loans.
With that said, I help her financially as much as I can. I also lose a large portion of my paycheck to child support for my son. Which I don't mind, but further reduces my disposable income.
Secondly, I have three years until I retire from the Army. My goal is to complete my PPL and use the remaining GI bill that isn't allocated to my daughter to fund Instrument, Commercial and CFI training before I retire so I can build enough hours to become a flight instructor upon retirement. I have an extremely unstable schedule at work that includes a lot of travel, short notice training events and long days. my intent is to take a couple of weeks off to train in an accelerated 2-3 week PPL course.
Once again. I totally respect any and all grievances with my post. if there is a consensus, I will gladly remove it.
I also respect those who have taken their lumps and paid their dues. While I've not taken those same lumps, I have graduated a few other schools of hard knocks.
I am not trying to take a short cut, I'm merely trying to play "catch up".
-Clint Stinnett