Looking for destination recommendations for mid-June


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 20, 2009
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Right Seater
We are trying to figure out where to fly the Bonanza in mid-June for a birthday trip within about a thousand miles of Florida or so. We could stretch it to 2,000 miles and just make the journey part of the vacation.
We like to hike through natural areas, but not real exhausting trails; I am 72 yrs old after all. No more than 10 miles/day, or a few shorter hikes.
Mild, but not cold, weather with low humidity would be nice. That rules out staying home in Florida or most of the South East US.
We don't camp or fish. We like fairly nice hotels, restaurants and museums.
We will be renting a car so a place with interesting day trips (<100 miles) would be good.
This would probably be about a 6 day (+/-) trip, including travel.

We had talked about the Islands (Bahamas) but we have never done that and would only do it if we had an experienced travel partner.
Being from New England I'd look into Maine and/or Vermont. It's a very pleasant time of the year and a relaxed atmosphere. We live in Vermont and love just staying here that time of the year.
Northeast? Maybe a little long but there are plenty of hiking trails and things to do between Vermont and New Hampshire and plenty of small airports to park the plane at. Upstate New York is also pretty nice that time of year. Look into the Lake George area. A little further south there is the Mystic Connecticut area or Cape Cod/Marthas Vineyard.
I've thought for a long time that someday I'd like to visit Mackinac Island. Depending on where in FL, that's about 1,000 SM straight line....
I really enjoyed my visit a few years back by airline and rental car, to Door County, WI....and I've seen a few things that lead me to believe there are a lot of little gem places along Lake Superior and up around that area....so I'd imagine it could be fairly easy to cobble together a nice loop tour up in that area.

And I'd also second the New England suggestion. It's been quite a while now, but I enjoyed a visit (again, not by GA) up to the Cape and Martha's Vineyard area one summer. We tacked on a few days over there after visiting my wife's family in the Boston area. Seems like there might be some great places to visit up in ME. I spent a bit of time up there for work a very long time ago, but never made it to the more tourist-oriented places like Bar Harbour....Ditto, Mystic. Stayed there once for work, in the off-season as I recall. Don't remember a lot there particularly but I'll bet there are quite a few quant little seaside towns up in that area....
New England is pretty phenomenal IMHO. Cape & Islands is nice, coast of Maine is a great flight. BHB is right next door to Acadia National Park for hiking. Lake George NY is nice, places to hike revolutionary war forts at both ends of the lake that are pretty interesting.

If you want to go west I would recommend BBG. We go every September for a week or so and stay at Big Cedar Lodge on Table Rock Lake. Lots of great flying in the Ozarks too. Check out FlyOZ

If you (or anyone else from POA) make it up to New England let me know if you need any info on the area or want to grab lunch.
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Sedona, or Flagstaff, AZ
Moab, UT
Plenty of upscale accommodations in both areas and/or within 100 miles. Flagstaff may be the better choice as it's higher, hence cooler.

6 days including travel is too short.
Northeast? Maybe a little long but there are plenty of hiking trails and things to do between Vermont and New Hampshire and plenty of small airports to park the plane at. Upstate New York is also pretty nice that time of year. Look into the Lake George area. A little further south there is the Mystic Connecticut area or Cape Cod/Marthas Vineyard.
I'm gonna second cape cod here. A few great airports in the region and much to do. With a GA plane, a lot of great destinations an hour or less from wherever you base yourself
Mystic seaport, KGON or KWST. Stay at ocean house in Watch Hill (nice but $$$$). Then go to KRKD and visit Camden. Easy hike up Mt. Battie.
Try the Basin Harbor resort on Lake Champlain in Vermont. Smooth grass runway with cabins on the water and a lodge with a restaurant. Here's a video of my trip to the resort:
Fly into Asheville, tons of hike in the blue ridge and great smokies. Numerous places where one can start atop the ridge.
Some of my faves- panthertown valley. Deep creek, newfound gap NE towards mt Le conte, roan mtn.
Mystic seaport, KGON or KWST. Stay at ocean house in Watch Hill (nice but $$$$). Then go to KRKD and visit Camden. Easy hike up Mt. Battie.
Short flight from those two airports is block island. Lots of fun for a day trip to land there, rent some bicycles and explore for the day.
Cape Cod and the Islands can get pretty busy all summer. We had a house there until two years ago - right on the water in Phinney's Harbor and converted from a boathouse by my great-grandfather 120 years ago. Unfortunately, it was SO close to the water that it was eventually demolished and replaced with one on stilts. The beauty of it was that once you got there you didn't have to go anywhere, because traffic all summer can be insane.

If you go to Bar Harbor, send me a PM. We have a good friend in nearby Surrey who does a charter operation that's extremely popular, one of which involves lobstering. (Or check out Linda Greenlaw Charters online.)