Looking for an old Lily Tomlin recording


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 24, 2005
Montgomery County PA
Display Name

Display name:
Adam Zucker
I am looking for a recording of an old Lily Tomlin Skit on Wire tapping and J. Edgar Hoover. Here is the audio


As you can see I found it on Youtube but I need the recording to transfer to a CD. I could buy the CD online but really only need this one recording. I couldn't find it on iTunes or Amazon. I did find a site or two that offered a free download but that doesn't seem too kosher to me. Does anyone know where I might be able to purchse just the one recording on line with out buying the enter album?
I am looking for a recording of an old Lily Tomlin Skit on Wire tapping and J. Edgar Hoover. Here is the audio


As you can see I found it on Youtube but I need the recording to transfer to a CD. I could buy the CD online but really only need this one recording. I couldn't find it on iTunes or Amazon. I did find a site or two that offered a free download but that doesn't seem too kosher to me. Does anyone know where I might be able to purchse just the one recording on line with out buying the enter album?

Look harder, Mr. Z. You can buy the individual track ("The FBI") on iTunes.

Rich you da man. I typed lily Tomlin into the itunes store and came up with Zilch. Thanks very much!!!
Rich you da man. I typed lily Tomlin into the itunes store and came up with Zilch. Thanks very much!!!
You're welcome.

Steve Jobs makes sure iTunes just works better for us Mac users, so buy a Mac!!! :thumbsup: