Longest-Term Student Pilot???


Feb 23, 2005
Georgetown, ME
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Display name:
Harley Reich
I hope to not lay claim to that status, but having been at it since 1999 . . . . . . . . with numerous delays via instructors getting Navy / Army / National Guard deployed around the world, one might wonder.

The goal was to "git 'er done" this year. However, my plane was still for three weeks while having the transponder check done and the GNC-430W installed. And when she came home we had the ten days of lousy weather. My CFI left three days ago for ERAU-Daytona for his 2nd year of college.
Now I'm at Twitchell's Airport and flying with Dale Twitchell, with whom I'd not
flown before. 3.6 hours since Monday. After the first flight I inquired as to what lay in the future of the cause.
"Four or five more sessions and you should be 'good to go'"(for the check ride). That sounded pretty good, eh?

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If you have the experience requirements knocked out and simply need to fine tune your skills, those few should be enough lest there's an area of difficulty hindering you.
>I hope to not lay claim to that status, but having been at it since 1999

A co-worker first started lessons before 1999, but never solo'd. She
couldn't quite get the landings. She has taken a few years off and seems
ready to try it again.
I thought it was me. You done smoked by my record.

I was told insurance companies wouldn't cover student/owners who don't finish for more than a year or so. How did you get coverage?
I thought it was me. You done smoked by my record.

I was told insurance companies wouldn't cover student/owners who don't finish for more than a year or so. How did you get coverage?

I've been with Travers Associates for quite a few years. I think that when I explained that in this Armed Services area various instructors kept getting deployed to duties around the world and that it wasn't easy to find an immediate transitional CFI -- hence, numerous intermediary periods of inactivity -- it seemed to satisfy the qualifications. And, perhaps, that I had completed all the FAA flight requirements except for the Written Exam.

If anyone is interested, I found Travers policies to be very price-competitive.


EDIT: I'll also note that until early June I hadn't flown for about 14 months, so busy was I with residential relocation(and selling the other house), and
theatrical endeavors during the summer of 2007.
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I took my first lessons in 1972. Life intervened and I started up again in 2007. My CFI is now insisting that I'm a few hours away from a checkride.

I dunno... I figure that 35 years to solo isn't slow... when measured according to geological time. :D