1. Who you're calling.
2. Who you are.
3. Where you are.
4. What you want.
It's that easy.
1. Denver Approach,
2. Skylane one two seven niner Mike,
3. 5 miles northwest of Centennial, level eight thousand fife hundred,
4. request flight following to Kilo Foxtrot November Lima.
Or whatever... You know those "choose your own adventure" books? Just replace the above four items as needed. It's just like talking to a Tower... See?
1. Centennial Ground,
2. Skylane one two seven niner Mike,
3. Area Hotel
4. Taxi for takeoff, Southeast departure. (They require direction of flight as a special procedure, it's on their ATIS. They also require you call ground when ready for departure after taxi, not the Tower.)
If switching frequencies as requested by a controller, drop the "What you want" since they already know. And read it back in case of copy errors.
And shorten your callsign only after they have. Denver will typically shorten on first reply.
No need to give their name if they specifically call you. On a reply, read-back specifics and finish with your callsign instead of putting it in front.
They say...
"Skylane Seven Niner Mike, Maintain VFR at or below one zero thousand west of I-25, Denver Altimeter two niner niner two, Squawk fife three two one."
"VFR at or below one zero thousand west of the interstate, two niner niner two, squawk fife three two one, seven niner mike."
If they assign you an altitude, airspeed, heading or other restriction, you must request/report leaving it for any reason.
But you knew that already.
Piece o' cake. Take your time and they'll let you know if they need anything. A common one is "say type aircraft". They want your type that you'd file in a flight plan for their computer, including equipment type. In my case "Charlie 182 slant Alpha".
Another thing that works well here is ZDV and DEN TRACON work well together. If you can get on Flight Following with the Center and they have your destination, they'll often work the handoff to DEN TRACON for you and that usually leads to an easy clearance into the Bravo if you need it. You said you're going underneath so not a big deal I suppose.
Which airport are you visiting? Can probably tell ya how they'll handle you for each particular one...
KBJC: "RADAR contact, remain clear of Class Bravo Airspace West of I-25." And usually a direct hand-off.
KAPA: Ditto.
Those two only really change if you're really high and still need to get down to get under the shelf (plan ahead) or there's DEN traffic conflicts or a TFR up over any of the Downtown Stadiums.
KFTG: They'll vector you all over the place to go around DEN if you're arriving from the northwest, especially if DEN is landing north-south. Arriving from the East or South is easiest.
Somewhere else? Different airport?
If you're really nervous, tell 'em you're "not familiar with the area". DEN is good about hand-holding compared to some busier places that'll just tell ya to take up a cardinal heading away from them and terminate service.
Another courtesy thing. They'll probably work a handoff to the tower for you.
If you have dual radios, they're very used to private jet crews and IFR flights who'll listen to their destination ATIS a long way out.
They appreciate a "Airport in sight, and we have Information Juliet" if you spot the airport visually before they hand you off to the tower.
They want to hand you off like an IFR flight in that you've already confirmed you have the ATIS so the tower gets that in the handoff and doesn't have to quiz you for it.
So if you're ahead of the airplane enough and have a spare radio, pick it up early if you can. Either the TRACON or the Tower will appreciate you having it and not having to read you weather data one way or the other, as you go bombing into the Delta airspace, if you're going to one one the three airports above.
Even "We had Juliet we'll pick up Kilo" if it changes is appreciated by the controllers.
Don't be too surprised if the altimeter setting between the TRACON and Airport are significantly different either. DEN is a long ways East on the plains...
So add in that ATIS on the handoff to Tower...
1. Centennial tower,
2. Skylane Seven Niner Mike,
3. (if you got handed off on a discreet squawk code they know where you are, but confirm your altitude...) Seven Thousand Two Hundred Descending,
4. Landing with Juliet.
Those four W's work every time.
When ya comin' to town? Welcome in advance!