London Telegraph (NYC) re F-111 pilots on Tripoli 1986 mission


Filing Flight Plan
Mar 4, 2011
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Hello, I'm the US Editor of The Sunday Telegraph and we're trying to speak to pilots who flew the Tripoli raid in 1986 about their memories and experiences - in light of what's happening in Libya now - in the ground and the air. If anyone can speak to me about this, can you please contact me directly on 202 255 0454 or

Many tks, Philip
Given that Gaddafi has never rescinded the $1M bounty on the head of anyone who flew that raid, I doubt you'll get many takers. AFAIK, the crew list remains classified, and although the Telegraph is better than a lot of the other British rags (Sun, Mail, Express, etc), the press has a penchant for blowing security.
I would be very happy to talk to someone anonymously. And tks for pointing out the difference between the Telegraph (we're a broadsheet and we have a strong record on military and defence affairs) compared to the tabloids you mention.

I absolutely appreciate the issue of security and confidentiality and as I say I would not need a name if someone contated me via email or PM.

Thanks again, Philip