Logging question...


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 25, 2005
Olympia, Washington
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Display name:
Ghery Pettit
I've got a meeting in England in a couple of weeks and a friend there who is a glider instructor has threatened to give me a glider ride. Loggable training in a G registered glider with an English glider instructor?
Yes. 14 CFR 61.41(a)(2).

Not that Ron's statement need any backing up, but I indeed did get my private based mostly on dual hours in HB- aircraft with Swiss instructors. So definitely yes.

Although my US instructor spent more hours on the phone with the FSDO than with me in the cockpit...
Great. It thought that was the case. Now, he is British with the humor that comes with that. Scroll down about half way on this page - http://orlandi.ing.univaq.it/EMCfly/index.htm - and see how they handled an unplanned visit from the RAF. :D

Hey, there's a picture of you on there, too, below that story, in a Piper Arrow in Pullman, WA!
Hey, there's a picture of you on there, too, below that story, in a Piper Arrow in Pullman, WA!

Yes, there's that, too. But that's not as funny as giving an RAF instructor and student certificates for their first glider landing.