Does anyone know what you're actually buying if/when you do this? Buying fuel before ethanol is added means you have fuel that is not "oxygenated" since it has neither ethanol, ETBE, or MTBE in it. How does this affect the fuel? What's the octane level? Does this fuel comply with ASTM specifications D-4814 as required by the MoGas STC?
I don't know the answers to the above, I'm not a chemist, I'm just asking.
But, my gut feeling is that, if you do this, you're experimenting in an area where you really don't want to be (or should be) going. But maybe not since oxygenates simply allow the fuel to burn cleaner...
The base gas is still the same 91 octane that you've always got. 100% Ethanol is around 129 octane. Add 6% ethanol to the mogas and it's octane will go up slightly while energy will go down slightly. 1 gallon of mogas/ethanol mix has less energy than 1 gallon of straight mogas, causing your burn rate to go up.
That being said, even if the base mogas was less, say 87 or 88 octane and they used the ethanol to bring it back up to 91 octane, who cares? In my case, I don't. My engine is 7:1 compression and was designed for 80/87 avgas, not 100LL. Anyway you look at it, straight mogas will burn fine in it, and given that mogas contains slightly more energy per gallon than avgas I should get a little bit more endurance.