Limit POA use


Feb 13, 2012
Gilbert AZ. VFR All Year Baby
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Drone airspace abuser
Can you POA admin guys shut down the site from 8am until 4pm Arizona Time Zone? I spend to much time on this site during work. My IT director is going to rag me out. Wait I'm the IT director. :dunno:
Can you POA admin guys shut down the site from 8am until 4pm Arizona Time Zone? I spend to much time on this site during work. My IT director is going to rag me out. Wait I'm the IT director. :dunno:

My company is going out of business and I am working all hours now to help the company that is buying us to eliminate our jobs. A relief washed over me when I realized we were being asked to do more work in preparation for losing our jobs. I decided doubling my internet usage would be a fair response.

Thank God for POA during this time.
Can you POA admin guys shut down the site from 8am until 4pm Arizona Time Zone? I spend to much time on this site during work. My IT director is going to rag me out. Wait I'm the IT director. :dunno:

Put yourself on double secret probation. :)
My company is going out of business and I am working all hours now to help the company that is buying us to eliminate our jobs. A relief washed over me when I realized we were being asked to do more work in preparation for losing our jobs. I decided doubling my internet usage would be a fair response.

Thank God for POA during this time.

Ain't that some shhhheeeeeeet?:nonod: sounds like a great time to rack up some calls to long lost buddies as well.
That sounds like putting a porn firewall on your own home internet. Why on earth?!
I've noticed over the years that internet forum activity slows considerably in the evenings and on the weekends.
I've noticed over the years that internet forum activity slows considerably in the evenings and on the weekends.

That's flying time,or drinking time depending on the weather,for the working folks.
I've noticed over the years that internet forum activity slows considerably in the evenings and on the weekends.

Too many people posting in Hangar Talk in such threads as shortest thread ever 1 and 2, 1234567890, underwear and various other threads. :eek:

But there is always the potential for learning something pertinent to work here, so you are practically obliged to check it.
My company is going out of business and I am working all hours now to help the company that is buying us to eliminate our jobs.

Okay, so Erin didn't marry you for your brains. Huge trust fund? ;)
Can you POA admin guys shut down the site from 8am until 4pm Arizona Time Zone? I spend to much time on this site during work. My IT director is going to rag me out. Wait I'm the IT director. :dunno:

My company is going out of business and I am working all hours now to help the company that is buying us to eliminate our jobs. A relief washed over me when I realized we were being asked to do more work in preparation for losing our jobs. I decided doubling my internet usage would be a fair response.

Thank God for POA during this time.

Interesting that I've been in both those positions in the same year (2014). Well, the buyer wasn't shutting down the company, but they were definitely destroying it.
Interesting that I've been in both those positions in the same year (2014). Well, the buyer wasn't shutting down the company, but they were definitely destroying it.

Our buyer is well established. Willing and able to buy out our 400 mil in debt with cash. They are in Alaska and don't need an office in Texas.
They just want our Alaska Customer base. And it was worth somewhere around 650 million and 60 year old ships that will go to the scrap yard to get it.

I think mostly they wanted us gone.
Our buyer is well established. Willing and able to buy out our 400 mil in debt with cash. They are in Alaska and don't need an office in Texas.
They just want our Alaska Customer base. And it was worth somewhere around 650 million and 60 year old ships that will go to the scrap yard to get it.

I think mostly they wanted us gone.

Sounds like the supposedly civilized way to kill off a competitor these days. Buy them, cut their throats with seemingly kind and benevolent acts that are calculated to destroy their ability to accomplish anything, and watch them slowly bleed to death.

Sorry man. Think the execs didn't see it coming? How pretty are they sitting after the cash infusion? Or was it a closed deal?

My last place they left without a fight for only $6M split about five ways, pittance in that biz. The used car salesman shill appointed to replace the CEO was so slimy my wife asked if he worked in Sales at the next Christmas party, which made me laugh out loud... Kinda... He's been pitching how wonderful the new owners are while house hunting in Florida (the buyer's HQ) so he can get out of here and never have to look anyone in the eye and explain how the deal screwed everyone still there.

But hey, I got a lovely travel mug with the new company name and logo on it before I quit. ;)
Sorry man. Think the execs didn't see it coming? How pretty are they sitting after the cash infusion? Or was it a closed deal?

The first round are in jail. (that's a bit of an exaggeration. I think 3 people are in Jail and they were VP level)

These current execs were put in place after some people started doing some illegal stuff. They got caught, in came the fines from the DOJ, then the law suits from customers, kicked of the NYSE. Those were the final dominoes too

The demise, turns out was set in motion about 5 years earlier with some intentional bad business decisions designed to line some specific peoples' pockets and set the wheels in motion for this.

I don't think anyone would have believed we would have been bought. I think we all expected bankruptcy followed by a restructure. That was discussed a lot so most of us felt we were pretty safe.

Amazing about 10 people can destroy a 56 year old company doing almost 2 billion in revenue.

Hopefully I will find something before the doors close. If not, I am not above bar tending until I find something. Insurance is more important than income. If delivering Pizza's comes with a good health plan, I'm on it.

But hopefully that isn't how it plays out. The office is full of people today and everyone is discussing challenges of how to get our data into the new companys' systems. Looks like it is going to take many months to get it done.

I have a handful of job interviews lined up so I am still being picky.
Amazing about 10 people can destroy a 56 year old company doing almost 2 billion in revenue.

We might have you beat here... our CEO, who's been on the job for maybe a year and half, is on the verge of single-handedly driving our company into bankruptcy while also driving away all of the employees who actually know how to do their jobs.
We might have you beat here... our CEO, who's been on the job for maybe a year and half, is on the verge of single-handedly driving our company into bankruptcy while also driving away all of the employees who actually know how to do their jobs.

I'm familiar with a very similar situation...
He gets paid a lot of money to do that :)

He does... though there is a rumor he got in trouble with the board of directors not too long after he took the job. He is from Indianapolis and he works out of our offices in Nashville, TN (4 hour drive). The rumor is that he leased a private jet to fly his dog from Indianapolis to Nashville... and charged it back to the company.

This is also the guy who told one of our field reps to look into how much it would cost to buy a helicopter and use it to travel between sites in Arizona because driving took too long.
The first round are in jail. (that's a bit of an exaggeration. I think 3 people are in Jail and they were VP level)

Ah. They did their job of distancing themselves from the dirty work correctly then, per usual. VP level often suffers when the bosses say privately they should get stuff done.

Usually the VPs are smart enough to pin it on the Director level, though. Must have had some real go-getter VPs! LOL

Sorry you're hunting but sounds like that was a foregone conclusion anyway, once those reindeer games start.
What does this all have to do with limiting POA use. My

Name is David and I'm a POA addict.

IT dark humor.

IT folk usually have big hints early on that a company is truly in the ****-ter.

The joke is that you spend the next few months (or years if you're lucky and don't feel like hurrying up much) doing these things...

1) Only fixing things when they break, instead of proactively.
2) Surfing job posting sites most of the day and setting up lunch interviews. Your coworkers know what's up, and give you crap anytime you're not wearing jeans.
3) Surfing PoA/Internet.

It's kinda a joke, kinda not. ;)

Probably quite a few pilots have been spectators of spectacular company death games, too... considering how many have been furloughed when the money folk screwed the pooch.

Little bit harder for pilots to surf the web while watching the place die, I suppose.
Hey I'm not wearing Jeans. I'm dress business casual while the rest of the IT staff wears Jeans and collared shirts. It comes with the position of IT director I guess.

IT dark humor.

1) Only fixing things when they break, instead of proactively.
2) Surfing job posting sites most of the day and setting up lunch interviews. Your coworkers know what's up, and give you crap anytime you're not wearing jeans.
3) Surfing PoA/Internet.

It's kinda a joke, kinda not. ;)

Probably quite a few pilots have been spectators of spectacular company death games, too... considering how many have been furloughed when the money folk screwed the pooch.

Little bit harder for pilots to surf the web while watching the place die, I suppose.
Here's some motivation: we've had a few fools open some emails that pinged everyone else on the server, while our lousy virus scan missed it, so we're all on edge about viruses. I've decided to totally stop vising any site I can possibly do without, just in case one of them gets hacked. It kind of makes for a more tranquil day anyway.
In the "every good deed goes unpunished" category, shortly after giving up casual use of the 'net at work, my virus scan decided that the spell check dictionaries on my computer had a Trojan, and I don't mean either an ancient Greek or a prophylactic. The systems guy tells me to run a full scan, and it goes berserk and starts quarantining SQL scripts, some of which haven't been touched in years.

I do think the workday is better without the web, though. It's easier to keep focus and I walk out at the end of the day with a clearer mind.
Here's some motivation: we've had a few fools open some emails that pinged everyone else on the server, while our lousy virus scan missed it, so we're all on edge about viruses. I've decided to totally stop vising any site I can possibly do without, just in case one of them gets hacked. It kind of makes for a more tranquil day anyway.

You know what you call the IT people who don't know how to keep stupid stuff like that from happening? IT people. Makes it hard to sort through them if you're not technically savvy.

The above is why a core technical leadership (I'm not taking about management, I'm talking Alpha geeks) team that knows what they're doing, is really important.

The "someone opened an email and we all got infected" problem is a problem that was solved a long long time ago. Replicating those processes isn't that difficult. Shouldn't be happening today. If it is, something is wrong. That could be anything from bad leadership not wanting to implement the things the geeks have said will bite them in the ***, to budget, to culture, to... A whole lot of possibilities.

But that shouldn't be happening in a commercial environment with pros managing the infrastructure and desktops, in 2014, really.
You know what you call the IT people who don't know how to keep stupid stuff like that from happening? IT people. Makes it hard to sort through them if you're not technically savvy.

The above is why a core technical leadership (I'm not taking about management, I'm talking Alpha geeks) team that knows what they're doing, is really important.

The "someone opened an email and we all got infected" problem is a problem that was solved a long long time ago. Replicating those processes isn't that difficult. Shouldn't be happening today. If it is, something is wrong. That could be anything from bad leadership not wanting to implement the things the geeks have said will bite them in the ***, to budget, to culture, to... A whole lot of possibilities.

But that shouldn't be happening in a commercial environment with pros managing the infrastructure and desktops, in 2014, really.

Our issue was that we were using Microsoft Forefront. We're owned by an LBO outfit and are under a lot of pressure to not spend money. To put it bluntly, Forefront is useless, we're switching to Trend Micro.
Our issue was that we were using Microsoft Forefront. We're owned by an LBO outfit and are under a lot of pressure to not spend money. To put it bluntly, Forefront is useless, we're switching to Trend Micro.

Yeah, not a great idea to trust the people who created the security hole in the first place, to plug it. LOL. ;)