Pre-takeoff checklist
That route can be hell for traffic.
Understatement of the year.......
It took me 30 minutes longer than usual last week, and it's only October! I'm glad I have a bunch of vacation this winter.......
That route can be hell for traffic.
Yeah, the time savings, most of the time, won't be that great, but the sanity savings is infinite!
Driving, it's 180 miles of real life "Pole Position"..... Flying, it's under 100 miles.....
For a single person VFR commute in FL?I believe so strongly that horsepower saves lives that I'd buy a more serious plane than I needed for this mission.
1 hour of flying is not the same as 1 hour of driving IMO. If driving to the airport, preflight and flying time were the same as driving, I'd still rather fly.
I believe so strongly that horsepower saves lives that I'd buy a more serious plane than I needed for this mission.
Snowbirds are about to arrive!!!
I'd love to have a Bonanza or Debonair, but I can barely justify the costs of a simpler airplane. If I were going further, more often with more people/stuff, I would certainly consider something more substantial. Straight line, it's under 100 miles airport to airport, with lots of small airports along the route.......
Works for me. Simple is good when you do a lot of commuting. Bo is a bit of overkill. this commuter gonna sit out somewhere on a ramp while you're jet setting across the country?....and what's that gonna cost?
Clearly money would solve much of your dilemma.
Look at a Midget Mustang, cheap to buy, cheap to fly, fast little commuter.
That'd be cool, but I'd need a belly pod for my roller bag!
I used to stick a decent sized backpack behind the seat, wouldn't be to hard to make it hold a small roller bag.
a Cherokee 140 will be the most bang for your on the list would be C-150/152.
Get a Pacer, you can put it on floats if you want.
I've got some time in a PA22 Tri Pacer, and it was a nice airplane.
For a variety of reasons, a fabric covered airplane is not on the list one of which is it's gonna sit outside for around 12 days every month.
I don't need or even want floats for what I'm gonna do with it......
This would do every thing you ever wanted to do and more.
Fabric is ok outside, better than aluminum in fact.
Fabric is ok outside, better than aluminum in fact.
Fabric is ok outside, better than aluminum in fact.
Just keep it waxed.
There is a lot more to it than that.
Hi folks!
I am in the market for an airplane to commute roughly 30-40 times per year, between Naples, FL and Orlando. Depending on where I can find hangar space (KAPF, KIMM maybe KMKY), it'll be roughly 110 to 130 NMs via air.
I've been doing the 180 mile (each way) drive for almost 13 years, and between the increasing population and general dumbing down of society, I am well over the thrill of near death every 3-4 days, not to mention I can save about an hour, even if I use KISM vs. KMCO. I've got 15 years left before retirement, and the thought of doing this drive for the better part of 30 years total has got me looking at airplanes!
In addition to the commute, the airplane would likely be used to travel across the state to see relatives a few times per year, and to provide a training platform for my 17 y.o. son.
I'm an ATP and have been flying for over 30 years (well over 20k hours), but haven't been in command of a SEL airplane in over 25, and have only gone for rides with others a handful of times in that time (mostly a friend's T-34).
As much as I'd like a complex single like a Bonanza, Mooney, Comanche etc., I'm thinking that something with gear down and welded, and a fixed pitch prop/O-360 would serve me well (Cherokee 180, 172/180, AA-5 etc) are the most likely candidates. IFR equipped is also a must.
I've flown all of these in the past, as well as worked on them in MX back in the early to mid '80's (no A&P though..... something I truly regret not pursuing when I was doing it every day!) I feel that they'd offer the most bang for the buck for both the commute, overall cost and resale.
In the 30+ years I've been flying, I've only seriously considered buying an airplane once, while I was building time. I've been out of the GA world a long time, and have just begun to research buying and owning one, so ANY advice from you folks would be greatly appreciated!
There is a completed onex on barnstormers right now. I can't think of a more economical commuter.
Counter to what everyone else is suggesting.
Get a Tecnam P-92, P2004 or a Sierra. If you want to buy new a P2008, or an Astore. A fraction of the cost of a Cessna, or Piper, to buy and to operate.
I fly a lot of mission flights for my church, (200+ hrs a year) almost all of them in a Tecnam.