Left Magneto Self Destruct

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Nope, I'm the guy that was thinking to myself "Geeze, do I really have to spend $400 per magneto to do a 500 hour inspection?" After reading this and other threads I thanked the OP for posting.

I'm at the point that the very LEAST I am going to do is the 500 hour inspections. The most I'm looking at putting an Electroair system on one side and either a rebuilt Slick or a TCM on the other.

Are mine old enough that they are from before there were a bunch of issues? I cannot find any SBs or ADs on mine.

Ever used these guys? http://www.aeroaccessories.com/mags.html
They say they have PMA parts that they use to rebuild magnetos instead of using Slick parts.


It's interesting, for some reason I recall that Slick mags were advertised as going TBO, then you would basically throw them away.
Nope, I'm the guy that was thinking to myself "Geeze, do I really have to spend $400 per magneto to do a 500 hour inspection?" After reading this and other threads I thanked the OP for posting.

I'm at the point that the very LEAST I am going to do is the 500 hour inspections. The most I'm looking at putting an Electroair system on one side and either a rebuilt Slick or a TCM on the other.

Are mine old enough that they are from before there were a bunch of issues? I cannot find any SBs or ADs on mine.

Ever used these guys? http://www.aeroaccessories.com/mags.html
They say they have PMA parts that they use to rebuild magnetos instead of using Slick parts.


there are a couple things I have noticed in the past that should be shown here.

There are two major parts of a Magneto system. The impulse coupling and the mag its self. The old Bendix have a few ADs but the biggy is the impulse coupling, at 500 hours if the AD applies to your system.
The Slick mags do not have an AD at 500 hours but they do have a service bulletin to do the 500 hour inspection which results in a IRAN of the mag.

So, what is the real cost of the two different mags?

When you install the new or rebuilt TCM Bendix there is no AD or inspection required until the mag shows a discrepancy such as a large mag drop. These new mags are a result of nearly 100 years of evolution in design, and way more dependable than Slick even with their 500 inspection.

over the life of an engine TBO the slick will require at least 3 inspections, and the slick mags that I have pulled have shown they will not pass the inspection with out most of the internal parts being replaced. Which in most cases is half the cost of a new mag.
It's interesting, for some reason I recall that Slick mags were advertised as going TBO, then you would basically throw them away.

most of the Slicks that were made like that are now out of service and the new style are now being repaired as required.
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