Taxi to Parking
Interesting thing - other than commercial applications with lots of lights and extended operation times, and unusual locations where electricity is vastly more costly than the norm, LED lamps simply do not make financial sense.
Spike, that hasn't been my experience - LED's do take a while to pay for themselves, but if they last anywhere near as long as they're supposed to, it'll be a net positive. Of course, the lower-usage ones will take longer and it is a front-loaded expense, but so far I've been happy with the LED's both financially and operationally.
Forcing them on us by outlawing incandescents is offensive policy.
Yeah... Especially since there have been improvements in the efficiency of incandescents. However, pushing everyone toward LED's and CFL's means more money in that industry and thus probably a higher rate of R&D spending on them. Maybe they'll eventually make a CFL that doesn't suck... Or they'll make a cheap LED. The market can still correct things, even when there is some regulation, because there's still plenty of competition.
Maybe it's time for a federal light bulb tax credit? Maybe a subsidy?
I know that some of the cheap CFL's I got were cheap because of some state-funded discounts... But the damn things were worthless. I'll use them 'til they're all fried, and at the current rate that'll only take another year or so.