Yesterday turned out pretty well- when I arrived, the new tailwheel bracket on the 2-33 was getting some tweaking, but that was sorted out pretty quickly. I'd just picked up a decent canopy to make shade over near our staging area; that was a big hit.
Good turn-out today, including a 14-yr-old with about 80 hrs of powered dual who is itching to solo anything...
Herb had him up for just over an hour, just when conditions were peaking... I think the spin demo really set the hook; he's now a member.
Somehow I ended up being "quad master" for most of the day (not that I mind, it's fun zooming around on that thing), but I did get up for two brief flights... lift was pretty much all gone at that point, but I needed more work on boxing and pattern work anyway. Finally did a full box with Herb (reluctantly, no doubt) keeping his hands off the stick, got a "benign spiral" demo (wheeee!!), saw a B-17 below us cruising right over the home 'drome at 1000 (enroute to Trenton I guess), and flew a pretty good pattern entry and landing on my own.
Not a bad way to spend a Sunday.
Good turn-out today, including a 14-yr-old with about 80 hrs of powered dual who is itching to solo anything...
Herb had him up for just over an hour, just when conditions were peaking... I think the spin demo really set the hook; he's now a member.
Somehow I ended up being "quad master" for most of the day (not that I mind, it's fun zooming around on that thing), but I did get up for two brief flights... lift was pretty much all gone at that point, but I needed more work on boxing and pattern work anyway. Finally did a full box with Herb (reluctantly, no doubt) keeping his hands off the stick, got a "benign spiral" demo (wheeee!!), saw a B-17 below us cruising right over the home 'drome at 1000 (enroute to Trenton I guess), and flew a pretty good pattern entry and landing on my own.
Not a bad way to spend a Sunday.