Largest Glacier Ice Calving Recorded

Yeah, screw the old people, the ones who have been here long enough to know that in fact nothing significant has changed, the wise ones who have seen a long period of time go by on the earth.

Yeah, the ones who can see that inordinately and unprecedented funky wx is going. But you must be referring to the ones who haven't realized it because they're brain dead.
Glaciers are a mystery. We cannot even say where they come from. All anyone knows is that they seem to come and seem to go.


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Yeah, the ones who can see that inordinately and unprecedented recorded funky wx is going. But you must be referring to the ones who haven't realized it because they're brain dead.

Fixed that for you.
There is less ice... And its climate change. Europe will be plunged into an iceage, North America will turn to a desert. How do you explain Sandy? and the horrific droughts causing massive wildfires? The climate is changing it really isn't up for debate it is an accepted scientific prospect. We still have people debate evolution and cell theory... I don't know why. it's not even opinion it's fact.

But lets try to keep this out of the SZ

Sandy was a hurricane -how do I explain it? Other than the fact that NYC has seen dozens of them over the years? BEFORE they built subways and electrical grids so there was little effect to them? You know, the world existed long before electricity.

The climate is changing. I agree. It has been changing every single year for the 4 billion. There was little ice age in the 1600's - and a warm period 600 and 1600 years before that. Was it Romans with torches that caused the warm period which was warmer than the time epoch we have now. FACTS? You want facts - here are facts.

The Antarctic ice is denser and there is more of it than there was 100 years ago. How does 'global warming' explain that? It doesn't. There were almost as many record cold temps set in Jan 2013 in the northern hemisphere as there were record warm temps set in December. Again? Theory or fact?

Is what we are seeing merely the end of the recovery from the little ice age or is something else?

Why has the Earth cooled since 1998?

Have you ever heard of the Pacific Decadenal Oscillation?

Look -we can disagree but the facts do not match the models predicted - so the models are wrong. Period. Can we construct new models which can match up with actual observed facts? THEN we can talk about whatever it is you want us to stop doing.

I presume you have a) stopped creating excess CO2 and have b) changed your lifestyle to avoid emitting excess CO2. Right? No airplane. No flying, are now a vegan to avoid cow farts and methane. You heat your house with recovered wood, and light it with wind and solar? You no longer drive a car. Because before I listen to someone preaching to me you'd better be walking the walk. . .