Laptop BSOD


Cleared for Takeoff
Jun 19, 2008
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Ron Hammer
My laptop just gave me the BSOD. It says
STOP: 0x0000000A

This just happened when I was using the computer I did not install or make any changes.

I can not boot into any of the safe mode choice or last known good.

I tried unpluging one memory stick and just boot off each one separate.
I unpluged the DVD Drive, Wireless card, Modem.

There really are not alot of option in the bios but I diabled all that there were.

The Laptop is a Toshiba Satalite. With a Celeron M and 2GB ram.

Any ideas?
That one's a doozy.

It's also not easy to explain, because it involves some really low-level stuff. In oversimplified terms, it means that a kernel mode process either tried to access a specific memory address that it did not have permission to access, or that it tried to access a process that had an IRQL (Interrupt Request Level) higher than its own. IRQL relates to the way the processor divvies up and prioritizes all the different processes that are requesting its attention.

So in really, really oversimplified terms, some piece of hardware, or a driver or process that runs at kernel level, is acting rudely.

It's most likely either (a) a hardware problem, or (b) a problem with software that mimics hardware, which can be many things, but more likely something like a virus scanner or firewall. I've also come across a couple of times when all I did was delete the pagefile (it's rebuilt on the next boot), or run a CHKDSK /p in the Recovery Console, and that fixed the problem. Go figger.

These things can be tough to diagnose, though, especially because you can't get into Windows to do it. Techs carry bootable environments like ERD that help us get into the system when it's hosed. What you have (hopefully) is the recovery console, which is contained on the bootable Windows XP CD, and sometimes is also installed on the hard drive and can be accessed at boot time.

If you know how to use the Recovery Console, you can try disabling services to see what's causing the error. You can take a machete approach or a surgical approach, depending on how familiar you are with the way the services work. I always start with security software, followed closely by video and audio drivers, because I'd guess that three-quarters of the time that this is a software issue, it's one of those that's causing the problem.

Of course, you can also do serious damage in the Recovery Console, so... you may not want to go in there.

To see a list of all services and drivers on your computer, go into the recovery console and type
To disable services or device drivers, type
disable service name or devicedrivername
replacing service name or devicedrivername with the name of the service or driver.

You also may want to delete everything in the prefetch folder ( C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch ) in case something corrupt in there is causing the issue. Dont delete the folder itself.

C:\Documents and Settings\USER_NAME>cd C:\Windows\Prefetch
C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch>del *
C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
A full list of Recovery Console commands can be found here. Again, it's easy to hose your system from in there, so be careful. For example, make a list and keep track of what you're enabling and disabling.

The above isn't a "fix," but just a diagnostic. It'll help determine whether some funky software is causing your error. If it's a hardware problem, none of it will help. If it's a software problem, then possibly there are updates or patches that will fix it.

Sorry I can't be of more help. There are many, many things that can cause this error, and diagnosing it is a tedious process.

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Some progress. Now I can get to boot into safe mode.
Normal mode I get error
Stop: 0x0000008e (0xc000005, 0x0D5D7AE4,0x8050ED51, 0X00000000)

What I did was CHKDSK /p, disable antiviurs services, and deleted files in C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch .
When I disabled SPTD.SYS then it started booting in safe mode.

I tried to do a system restore from safe mode but it fails every time.

Now I am testing out my google skills and see if I find anything else to try.
Looks like you might have a root kit installed.
Can you get into recovery console and "disable pe386"? Read that first post and the links off it in detail. Here are the removal instructions:

There is no pe386 on my system. I saw that earlyer.
In save mode I went inot services and turned off all the ones that were automatic but still off.
I figured these did not load becuase of safe mode so maybe it was one of them. That did not help.
MY PC Stopped last week with a "currupt file" need to "restore".
So I restored from the boot disk.. made XP think it was fresh from the factory.. a 2003 factory.. a week of system updates and service packs later.. and it still was not happy... could not get some programs to work even after installing them again.

Saturday night found a new computer on the desk.. been spending the weekend getting it configured...

The old one will be wiped clean and start over..
Sorry about the delay. I was in Philadelphia with my godchildren.

If you can boot into Safe Mode with Networking, go to

read the instructions, and download ComboFix from the links on that page. Do not download it from any other place. There are malicious sites offering downloads of the same name that will infect your computer if you go to them.

Also go to

and download the free version of Malware Bytes Anti Malware.

Run ComboFix first, following the instructions. When it asks to install the Recovery Console say yes, or else it will not attempt some of the trickier fixes.

After ComboFix runs (it may take a while and may reboot your computer -- let it), wait until the log report is generated. That's how you know it's really finished. Then install MalwareBytes, let it update, and do a full scan.

The purpose, obviously, is to rule out malware.

Once you do that, go to

and run the cleaner and the registry cleaner. Many, many times that little tool solves all kinds of problems.

Once you have ruled out malware and tried CCleaner, if you still have no joy, get back into Safe Mode and run MSCONFIG. Choose Selective Startup and disable everything, then re-enable them a few at a time to try to isolate the problem. This is not a fix, by the way. It's just a diagnostic. A properly running Windows machine should start properly in Normal Startup. MSCONFIG is a diagnostic tool, not a permanent fix (although I know a lot of lazy techs who use it that way).

If you still have no joy, you can attempt a repair install. If that fails (which it may, especially if the registry is hosed), get a bootable Linux disk (Ubuntu, Mepis, Knoppix, etc.) and use it to harvest your data to an external device, because the next will probably be a full install.

Actually, if you don't have backups, probably you should get the Linux disk and make a backup before going any further, anyway.

Finally, if your problem is hardware, none of the above will work.

If you can boot into Safe Mode with Networking, go to

I will try

if you still have no joy, get back into Safe Mode and run MSCONFIG. Choose Selective Startup and disable everything,

Done still no luck.

If you still have no joy, you can attempt a repair install. If that fails (which it may, especially if the registry is hosed), get a bootable Linux disk (Ubuntu, Mepis, Knoppix, etc.) and use it to harvest your data to an external device, because the next will probably be a full install.

I think I will stop by Best Buy and get a new larger harddrvie and reinstall windows.

Finally, if your problem is hardware, none of the above will work.
Hopefully that is not the case.