Landing currency.

Greg Bockelman

Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Lone Jack, MO
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Greg Bockelman
I have a question I can’t find the answer to. We all know that to carry passengers as PIC you need three takeoffs and landings in the last 90 days. That does not apply for solo.

But does the three in 90 apply to towing Gliders? I mean, if no one else is in the tow plane but there are in the glider (obviously) are you really solo?
The reg simply talks about carrying doesn’t use the word “solo”. If you’re not carrying passengers in the tow plane, 90-day currency isn’t required. The guy on the other end of the rope is responsible for currency back there.

In the same way, you can load up all the cargo you want and fly without having 90-day currency as long as no passengers are on board.
The reg simply talks about carrying doesn’t use the word “solo”. If you’re not carrying passengers in the tow plane, 90-day currency isn’t required. The guy on the other end of the rope is responsible for currency back there.
Agree. The pilot in the tow plane is a required crewmember and therefore not a passenger. Similarly, the glider pilot is also a required crewmember and therefore not a passenger. I've also heard the same argument applied for two pilots in the same plane. I think I might have even heard that one could be a CFI giving instruction and therefore also not a passenger.
I think I might have even heard that one could be a CFI giving instruction and therefore also not a passenger.
That one was the subject two separate FAA Chief Counsel interpretation letters. Neither CFI nor trainee are considered to be passengers during a training flight for the purposes of the passenger currency requirement.
That one was the subject two separate FAA Chief Counsel interpretation letters. Neither CFI nor trainee are considered to be passengers during a training flight for the purposes of the passenger currency requirement.

Makes sense.... How else would a rusty pilot get back in the air?
I have a question I can’t find the answer to. We all know that to carry passengers as PIC you need three takeoffs and landings in the last 90 days. That does not apply for solo.
It does not apply when you are not "pilot in command of an aircraft carrying passengers."
I bet the glider insurance company has something to say about towing currency, if it’s a club or commercial op... especially since there’s really only one underwriter left.

If a club loses their insurance over accidents it’s a very “big deal” in gliders now. No other insurance company to go to outside of whoever SSA is pushing/affiliated with.