Pre-takeoff checklist
I've shared my story earlier about returning to flying after a 42 year pause. After beginning my BFR in late July, i was signed off after five lessons (eight hours). I continued to feel uncomfortable with my landings, though, and have appreciated the advice i received here on PoA.
Today, i again reserved a C172P with the intention of just practicing T&Gs. However, the winds at TCY were about 15kts with 19kt gusts. Since all of my previous landings were in winds less than 10Kts, i considered canceling my reservation, but fortunately the school had a CFI available if i could wait 30 minutes, which i did. I considered this a learning opportunity since i'd not flown in high winds since the 1970's.
The winds were from 320 on runway 30. While the crosswind component was not very high, i still wanted someone with me who could point out mistakes and advise me on best practices when landing in wind. It was a good decision. We stayed in the pattern the whole hour.
The first revelation was that my speed on final should be about 10kts higher than normal, in order to counteract the head/side winds. This i hadn't completely gotten, so first point to me for being smart to bring a CFI along. My landings in the past had tended on the fast side, so i hoped my landings today could focus on slowing things down on final. However, when flying gives you lemons, make lemonade.
So, here i am on the first final, carrying 75-80kts instead of 60-65kts and feeling strange. Still, i know that 15 of those kts are the winds, not me. Around 50ft, i reduce power to bring back my speed and round out, using left rudder and right aileron. Surprisingly to me, i landed fairly well with nose pointed mostly forward and my right wing slightly down into the wind.
Probably my best landing was my first. However, my other landings were all over the place, with me adding a little too much left rudder and then having to wiggle back and forth with the rudder to try to stay centered.
in all, i'm glad i brought a CFI along. i'm still a fairly low time pilot, with about 140 hours and just 13 hours since my return. I do plan to do this again the next time we have a windy day.
Today, i again reserved a C172P with the intention of just practicing T&Gs. However, the winds at TCY were about 15kts with 19kt gusts. Since all of my previous landings were in winds less than 10Kts, i considered canceling my reservation, but fortunately the school had a CFI available if i could wait 30 minutes, which i did. I considered this a learning opportunity since i'd not flown in high winds since the 1970's.
The winds were from 320 on runway 30. While the crosswind component was not very high, i still wanted someone with me who could point out mistakes and advise me on best practices when landing in wind. It was a good decision. We stayed in the pattern the whole hour.
The first revelation was that my speed on final should be about 10kts higher than normal, in order to counteract the head/side winds. This i hadn't completely gotten, so first point to me for being smart to bring a CFI along. My landings in the past had tended on the fast side, so i hoped my landings today could focus on slowing things down on final. However, when flying gives you lemons, make lemonade.
So, here i am on the first final, carrying 75-80kts instead of 60-65kts and feeling strange. Still, i know that 15 of those kts are the winds, not me. Around 50ft, i reduce power to bring back my speed and round out, using left rudder and right aileron. Surprisingly to me, i landed fairly well with nose pointed mostly forward and my right wing slightly down into the wind.
Probably my best landing was my first. However, my other landings were all over the place, with me adding a little too much left rudder and then having to wiggle back and forth with the rudder to try to stay centered.
in all, i'm glad i brought a CFI along. i'm still a fairly low time pilot, with about 140 hours and just 13 hours since my return. I do plan to do this again the next time we have a windy day.
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