Land of the drunkards?

In the end we'll spend a lot of time, money, and effort only to prove that moderation is the key to it all.

Hell, my grandma taught me that 40 years ago.... "Do everything you enjoy in moderation and be happy."
Yup. Just more nanny state social engineering crap brought to you by some useless idiots tying to get more grant money. Maybe if a bunch of us were to kick down the doors of the CDC and bust a few kneecaps, perhaps they'd think twice before attempting to pick our pockets.

This sort of social engineering was tried from 1920 - 1933. It was an epic failure. Get over it -- people like to drink.

Getting paid to "study" drinking in 2012 is like receiving a government grant to study the roundness of the wheel. A complete, utter, pud-pounding exercise in bureaucratic job preservation.
Seen on Facebook today. It seems to fit this thread... :D
