That was a fantastic fly-in today!! I just got home, and yes indeed, it took at least 2 hrs to fly back here at a GS of maybe 85 or 90. Controllers were great, scenery was fantastic. Seeing NYC rise up in the distance and being cleared direct to Kennedy are so much fun. (I like to pretend I'm one of those JetBlue guys being cleared to land.)
It was wonderful seeing everyone I know and meeting some new people, too. Adam, Bob, Ron, Ed, Dave, Greg, Gil, Gary, and if I forgot anyone forgive me, it was great to see you all again. We even had a couple guys from the Cherokee Pilots group join us.
I thought Big Sky Aviation was terrific, didn't you? And the restaurant went out of their way bringing endless cups of coffee and drinks and being hospitable. I was very impressed and am going to put my comments on Airnav and AOPA's member comments for KWWD. If any of you feel the same way, I urge you to write a comment. They deserve our repeat business!
Thanks, everyone, for coming. Let's do another fly-in soon.