KWWD today (10/30) nice to see everybody


Gone West
Feb 23, 2005
Chester County, PA
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It was great to see all the folks who turned out today at KWWD :cheerswine:

Toby - I hope you post the pictures!

Now, if I could just figure out how to turn the wind machine off there :)
Bob Glad you got this posted so fast. I have posted the photos I took of the flight over and back and some at KWWD. First though let me say Thanks to Toby for putting it together. It is always great to see you Toby and it was good seeing all the others again and meeting others for the first time. I hope those that stayed enjoyed the Museum. It really is good to get together. What other type of web board can travel the distances we can. The flight east certainly was a bit quicker than the flight west.

Second thanks to Bob Bruneau who let me right seat it in his trusty Archer. I have to say I'm not great at just being a pax. Bob however is a very smooth ( I don't mean with the ladies) and competent pilot. It was a real pleasure to fly with him. He knows his plane well and manuvered it with a gentle touch. Did a great job using up ALL of his rudder at WWD and put us down smoothly both there and back at N99 his home drome. KUDOS and thanks Bob.

I look forward to our next get together and of course my fly In at Wings this Spring.

Not sure why the titles to the photos didn't Come out but they are left to right starting top row: Bob Bruneau at the controls, Cape May NJ, GPS showing headwinds ( we were doing 141 mph on the way down) KPHL off in the distance, KWWD, Base for 27 @ N99, Off the left wing, Our own flight line, Final for N99 and a Wierd layer at 3500.
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That was a fantastic fly-in today!! I just got home, and yes indeed, it took at least 2 hrs to fly back here at a GS of maybe 85 or 90. Controllers were great, scenery was fantastic. Seeing NYC rise up in the distance and being cleared direct to Kennedy are so much fun. (I like to pretend I'm one of those JetBlue guys being cleared to land.)

It was wonderful seeing everyone I know and meeting some new people, too. Adam, Bob, Ron, Ed, Dave, Greg, Gil, Gary, and if I forgot anyone forgive me, it was great to see you all again. We even had a couple guys from the Cherokee Pilots group join us.

I thought Big Sky Aviation was terrific, didn't you? And the restaurant went out of their way bringing endless cups of coffee and drinks and being hospitable. I was very impressed and am going to put my comments on Airnav and AOPA's member comments for KWWD. If any of you feel the same way, I urge you to write a comment. They deserve our repeat business!

Thanks, everyone, for coming. Let's do another fly-in soon.
Bummer, bummer and more bummer. We took off from Hammonton, NJ just up the road from ACY about the time that many, many airplanes seemed to be on their way to KWWD. Glad you all had a nice time in South Jersey and all made it home in one piece. Kinda windy down here today wasn't it? Wasn't much better up North but the ground speeds coming home were pretty sporty. :)
Pictures! All two of them. :)

First, The Group. Second, NYC on my way home.
BTW on the way there the mooney was showing 190Knots,on the way back to N71 it only got to 121 knots. Thought you'ld like to know . Dave G.
HPNPilot1200 said:
Looks like a big, interesting bunch. Sounds like a lot of fun! Great pictures everyone! :yes:
It is a great group. You must come to our next one, Jason. You're right in the neighborhood!
What we forgot to do is something the AYA does at all regional fly-ins -- pass around a sign-in sheet for name, aircraft type, N-number, and home 'drome. Anyway, 'twas a really nice time, and we have to start thinking about when we want to do it again, maybe somewhere a bit more off the coast to encourage more inlanders to come.
Well ron i'm trying to get a group together to go to BDL on DEC 18th or 11th depending. they have the New England Air Museum there. i've posted it under Pre Xmas trip, or you can punch in NEAM under search. What are your thoughts Dave G
Well I have to say I was there in spirit! As we were winging our way to Dallas then on to Vegas I was thinking of everyone at Cape May. I hope everyone had a great sure sounds like y'all did.
Wow! Nice pics and looks like a great time. WWD is one of my old haunts. I miss all you guys. Well maybe that Pilatus I'm getting will allow me to attend a few of these. :)

Are the Caribous still there? There is/was an outfit retrofitting them with Turbo props.
Yep anthony the Caribou's are still there . probably had about 15-20 of them Dave G.