Korean TV gets even...

Alright the lid is off, we are going to have a ball next time a chick cracks a plane up...
What's kind of sad is that South Koreans are among the few peoples of the world who actually like the United States, and we had to go picking on them.

What's kind of sad is that South Koreans are among the few peoples of the world who actually like the United States, and we had to go picking on them.


So what they're saying is that this type of humor is appropriate, fair play, not racist and....well...funny. I'm good with that. Glad the issue is settled.
Racist!!!!!!! I am severely offended, being an American and all. They've mocked our people!
I wonder if the folks that thought laughing at KTVU was racist also think this is racist?
I think the names on the Korean TV are more creative and amusing than the KTVU names.
I wonder if the folks that thought laughing at KTVU was racist also think this is racist?
It is racist, no one cares. Unless blacks or women are being made fun of.
What's kind of sad is that South Koreans are among the few peoples of the world who actually like the United States, and we had to go picking on them.


Actually, from what I understand, they really don't like us much.

Actually, from what I understand, they really don't like us much.

Personally, I believe "people" feel like their televisions and favorite web sites tell them to feel. It all depends what their watching, just like us.

Humans aren't inherently logical, we are capable of logic, but really only resort to it for tragically brief periods of time.
That is great, honestly I don't see either as raicist. From what it looks like the Korean media didn't take it personally and poked fun back.

this is the way the world should work. poke a little fun, have a good laugh, be able to laugh at yourself, and the world would be a better place.

Sadly everyone takes too many things too seriously and they just need to learn to let go and relax.