Known Crew Member

You might not remember, but "pre check style screening" is just what we called "airport security" before TSA existed. The TSA backhanded crotch swipe and uncalibrated CT scan are just what gives politicians warm fuzzies. And make no mistake, like most of the theatrics that pass for security, the pre check application is comical. I've passed numerous government background checks. But the pre check app asks for no information the doesn't already have. My addresses for the last five years? My employer? My DL number? Passport expiration date? How does putting any of that on a computerized app make air travel safer?
I remember quite well. My statement still stands. I said "NO" screening, not reduced screening. The traveling public wouldn't stand fir zero security screening.

There'd be a press release every time. In fact, the TSA catalogs all the really bad **** it seizes at checkpoints and posts on its Instagram feed. And yet not one bit of that contraband was destined to be used in an act of air piracy. You think if they took down an actual terrorist at the airport they'd keep it quiet? It'd be headline news and all over the TSA facebook page, complete with Youtube video. Plus there'd be criminal prosecutions.
No, that's not what I'm saying at all.
What I am saying is that it's not about how many bombs, or guns they "catch" during screening, but rather how many terrorists don't try because of the screening.
It's like the guy who doesn't drink and drive because he might get caught at a checkpoint.
The baggage handlers smuggling drugs in the hold or the catering guy loading bombs food in the galley don't go through the nude-a-scope, why should anyone else?
This has always irked me as well. I used to read posts back in the BBS days (prior to the interwebs) from a guy that said he was a baggage handler. He said the baggage handler workforce was full of drug use and rampant theft. Those are my words - he was very happy to be a drug abuser and frequently bragged about the cool stuff he "acquired" from baggage he handled.
Security theater is just that and nothing more.
I only fly commercial if there is no other choice - and the last two times I said "screw it" and did not go.
The other people going were aghast, "You are a pilot and you are afraid to fly?"
"Nope, not afraid to fly the airlines, USA airlines specifically. Asian or Air France is another story. I just have more sense of self worth than you and I refuse to be groped, suspected, and insulted. In this life you either stand for something or you will stand for anything."

They walked away shaking their heads, going to the airport to have their Constitutional Rights violated, willingly, all in the name of being as safe as sheep in a pen. Mussolini would have appreciated the irony.

Because no part 121 crew member has EVER flown a plane into a mountain.
(or other stuff with people on board)

Being an anarchist, I reject all your rules. Particularly those that serve absolutely NO useful purpose.
Like KCM
and others that are outside the scope of this discussion.
Times being what they are, every part 121 crew member should have to take a full psych evaluation before every single flight. JMHO

Personally, when I fly into an airport in my super cool Light Sport aircraft, and I walk through the terminal in my super cool uniform, I will bet a bundle of your money (whoever makes the most) that I get more perks and more privileges than anyone on the board. :D

The psych evaluation idea is crazy. They are historically ineffective and invasive. If you were truly an anarchist the last thing you would want the government doing is requiring you to subject yourself to something as subjective and invasive as a psych evaluation just for the privilege of going to work. Nuts.