Touchdown! Greaser!
For any of you wondering, I got a letter of discontinuence. So we got through the oral portion but weather moved in and couldnt fly.
You got through the oral and that's often the toughest part of an IR checkride. Sounds like you were plenty well prepared.
Well that gives you four days to get the GPS down cold.I put myself on the schedule for monday since thats when it looks like weather will be clearing up.
If this examiner works for the school, I'd think they'd owe you a retake at the $150 rate even if they have to use a different examiner.Unfortunatly, if I fail, I'm screwed for at least a month because he's leaving the states on vacation. Even if I did find someone else to finish my checkride, I'd have to pay them on top of the $300 I already paid this guy. Which I guess wouldnt matter because if I rememer right, he has something like a $150 failing fee for retakes.
No point in worrying, just keep working on any issues like the radial thing (on paper, in your head, or on MSFS). Worrying is futile.So I'm pretty worried. Even the simplest things like getting dislexic on what he wants for intercepting radials because to me he says it funny (that happend on my stage check which later he told me I was reverse sensing).
As to the radial confusion, remember "Radials Run Away" from the VOR. When you need to consider a radial, picture a VOR out there with the specified radial coming out of it like it was a compass rose or a VOR symbol on a chart.
Did you read through the condensed "user guide" for the KLN89 that I posted? Any questions?
Alternatively, did you look into the possibility of "flying" the checkride NDB approach on a FTD?
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