KLAS McCarran - VFR or IFR


Jun 1, 2010
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Joe Farrell, yeah, him
Its been 2 1/2 years since I flew into LAS - assuming its VFR and its expected to be when I fly out this week - anyone in there recently?

VFR or IFR - is one easier and simpler? Assume I can choose either one for arrival or departure.

In Sat am [10ish] for a PM wedding - leaving Sun late AM - definitely before Noon . . . .
I'd be IFR if I were you. From my experience, delays/denials are less likely.

I believe they have a runway closed now, so that would make IFR even more important. I tried to go in there VFR several years back when they had a closed runway. Was told to "expect 90 minute delay for VFR arrival". I pretty much had no choice but to go elsewhere.

Never a problem going in IFR.
VGT is easier to deal with, and it's not that far away.
I fly into LAS about four times a year in a single engine piston. I always fly into LAS IFR and fly out VFR. This seems to be the fastest. On departure clearance wants to know requested altitude and on course heading along with the other usual stuff.
In IFR and out VFR loots like the way then -

Thanks - was listening to Approach today - looks like 1R is closed.

Guys, I'm going to Planet Hollywood - its less than a mile from Atlantic Aviation - I'm not going to either Henderson or VGT. Esp. not VGT from the LA basin - if I have to wander around aimlessly for the sake of LAS Tracon I'm gonna do it where I can go straight to my destination!
In IFR and out VFR loots like the way then -

Thanks - was listening to Approach today - looks like 1R is closed.

Guys, I'm going to Planet Hollywood - its less than a mile from Atlantic Aviation - I'm not going to either Henderson or VGT. Esp. not VGT from the LA basin - if I have to wander around aimlessly for the sake of LAS Tracon I'm gonna do it where I can go straight to my destination!

Bring us a T- shirt....:)

And IFR in, VFR out was what I did last time I was there, about 2 years ago. It was night going in, came out early next morning, 7am or so.
Guys, I'm going to Planet Hollywood - its less than a mile from Atlantic Aviation - I'm not going to either Henderson or VGT. Esp. not VGT from the LA basin - if I have to wander around aimlessly for the sake of LAS Tracon I'm gonna do it where I can go straight to my destination!

For a weekend only trip, LAS is better than VGT or HND. Anything longer, and it gets cheaper to skip LAS.

However, every time I've gone IFR to VGT (from EMT), they run me right over LAS. No wandering around.

--Carlos V.
I've flown in there plenty of times VFR, no big deal if you're on your game and can keep the speed up. Only time I had a delay was due to some crazy winds, I just went over to North and landed there.
For SEP, Atlantic Aviation charges a $60 facility fee and $40 overnight. Facility fee can be waived with a 15-gallon fuel purchase. So similar prices as KMIA/KTPA for example.
They are open 24/7.
Signature (as per usual) didn't bother to answer.
I'm going there in March.
Signature has only a 7 gal minimum to waive the handling fee. Their overnight rate is higher though.
Remember - its a $50 cab ride to HND . . . so even if you get the free shuttle to the Strip, you need to get back . . .. so the $40 facility fee is reasonable given the free shuttle to and from Atlantic. Plus, for some reason I never seem to get the same fees as everyone else- maybe I'm on some 'list' at Atlantic. . . .

In any event - the difference for 20 gallons of gas is $40 - so for $80 you don't have the hassle of getting from/to HND . . . . and the time suck as well.
It seems I've been lucky -- I always go in there VFR and haven't had a delay. Haven't flown into the closed runway situation, though, I can see that being a drag.

Once HND made their shuttles aggravating a few years ago, I've just done LAS. Way easier, way cooler, and I feel like a rube for not switching sooner.. I swear Nevada sends their failed DMV clerks to work the HND service desk. What a collection of thundercoonts those women are.
It seems I've been lucky -- I always go in there VFR and haven't had a delay. Haven't flown into the closed runway situation, though, I can see that being a drag.

Once HND made their shuttles aggravating a few years ago, I've just done LAS. Way easier, way cooler, and I feel like a rube for not switching sooner.. I swear Nevada sends their failed DMV clerks to work the HND service desk. What a collection of thundercoonts those women are.

Thanks Mike - last time I went to HND the clerk on the way in reminded me of a refugee from Deliverance and on the way out looked JUST LIKE Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons . . . .
I'm heading to KLAS myself for CES... I always arrive IFR it's just easier. To me it's not worth it going to KVGT or KHND with the extra travel time and cab fare.
Heading to LAS on Thursday-Saturday for our partner meeting. Taking the Southwest aluminum tube. I think it's IFR in and out. :wink2::D
VGT and HND suck. The FBO are city employee lazy. LAS is fine IFR or VFR and that's assuming is VMC. If'n it's IMC the VFR and IFR are about the same getting in with a slight edge to IFR. Point is they are great either way if it's VMC but if there is any cloud anywhere within, say, 40 miles, producing rain then all bets are off at LAS and you may hold for hours.

Bigger point is I wouldn't recommend anyone go to HND or VGT. They look good on paper but suck suck suck.
VFR inbounds to LAS can expect delays any time of the year.

Right now Rwy 25R is closed. They are operating on Rwy 1L&R as much as they can with additional landings on 25L.