Kidney trip is on


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Just got the call, they found a kidney for S. and we are leaving in a half hour across the state and back. Should get back in by 3am, seeya.
RIP, kidney donor.
I fly several Kidneys a year...guess I didn't get the call tonight. Good luck and God Speed.
Good for you, Dave! Is this an Angel Flight mission? I saw a request for standy pilots come in recently for a mission. Glad you're able to do it... fly safe!

Eric, it wasnt us either. However, I am heading to Marathon, FL for three days. Anybody down there comes and join!

God Bless on the kidney situation!

that was fast and furious, some quick flight planning, packed a bag and rearranged my life then out the door in 10 minutes, got a briefing on the cellphone while driving to the plane. Boy it was dark out here last night, 40 minutes to the first stop pickup S. and then 2 hrs at 350 across the dark lonely barren west until finally the lights of Austin and San Antonio glow in the distance a hundred miles away, there's Houston. What a huge sea of lights. It was good wx but I never did see the airport so I asked for a vector to join the localizer and finally at 8 miles picked it up. Dropped off the patient (good luck, S.) and filed back. No supper and the closest thing the fbo had to something edible was a ficus. I can't ever remember an fbo with not even a vending machine! Back up into the black nothingness for 2hrs home, the ceiling was close to mins on arrival. FSS had said it was holding at 800 for the last few hours and t/dp had not budged; of course half way home I ask fss (discovered efas is closed at 10pm) for an update and he says, 'specials out for the entire area, c has dropped...' and we only spotted the runway 2 miles out but it all worked ok. Nice night flight. Headache and hurt a bit today.
Was this in your Viking, or the jet? You said 2 hours at 350 made me wonder if the 350 was "FL350"? I know 350 wasn't a heading if you were going from Marfa to Austin. Headache--lack of oxygen way up high?! :) Glad it worked out and you were able to help.

Hi Troy it was the CJ, we got a nice 80kt tailwind at FL350. Headache = the late night and the lack of food I think. Low wx always brings the sinus pain up a bit too. None of it real bad til this morning. Rare that Hou wx is clear and a million and it is bad here.
No word on the patient yet. He may not have even got the kidney and if not we might have to do it all again. For now I can resume my evening drinks of wine.
PS I hear the kidney is doing its thing, all is well so far.
What a relief to be off dialysis, I imagine.
Thanks, very unselfish kidney donor.
Dave, great work flying kidneys. I just now noticed that you fly out of KMRF. I was there in March for spring break to get my commercial glider with Marfa Gliders! I love it down there. It's a great place!