Wanted: Partnership KHEF Partnership Wanted


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Feb 12, 2019
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Just starting to put feelers out about forming a partnership of maybe three or four people. Looking at maybe a 182 or Arrow or something similar in load/range/seats. Four place traveler with descent avionics or maybe something less expensive that can be upgraded. I'm sort of throwing darts at this point. I can't afford to go solo in this, nor do I think I want to. If anyone is remotely interested in looking into something like this, PM me. There seems to be a lack of flying clubs and open partnerships at KHEF and I know there are pilots out there looking to at least co-own/partner. If you are one, let me know and we can at least chat.
If you are looking to build time there is what looks to be a new partnership around well used (ahem) 172 that is listed on TAP looking for new members. Well used as in over 10k TT and over 2000 since overhaul. But not a traveling plane

Per my other thread, I am interested. I've gone over this mental exercise a few times in the past and do wonder why there are so few club opportunities at HEF. Feels a lot like where I learned to fly in NJ (KMMU) with the slight added annoyance of the SFRA
Funny about that 172 - I am looking hard at that. Only thing is the engine is so far past what is normal for MOH and the panel is ancient. I’m not a stickler for overhauls just because the manufacturer says so, but man....

I think a 182 would for the bill nicely. I trained in and fly a 172 so the step up isn’t as big. Figure we could get one And bring in two or three others for around.... well that’s the rub. How much does a descent 182 go for?

I know of a really really nice Arrow for around $70k by the way.
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There are 2 partnerships at HEF flying Centurions. I think around 5 or 6 partners. There's a nice 182 at RMN. 6 way partnership. You may be aware of all of these. And I don't know that any are selling shares.

I'm further south than HEF... So probably not a great candidate. I'd like to get into something closer to RMN eventually.
Put up postings at the FBOs in the area. Flying is still a very local thing and most of the bites I got for my share were through the tear-off strips on the soda machine.
I may acquire a Piper Cherokee Six (260 HP) in the next few weeks, which would be based at KHEF. I like the idea of third or quarter shares. Obviously lots of details to sort out, but would welcome any indications of preliminary interest.
Hi @danlzim and @atbroome any thoughts on moving forward? We have three, possibly. One or two more and we may have something. I am very interested in moving forward with something like we have been discussing on this thread.
Just an update - I'm looking now at a nice Arrow to be based at HEF- ready to fly with no upgrades needed. Low TT (~3000) and low time SMOH (650). I'm looking to partner with one (maybe two) other people on this. I have worked out lots of the details, just need one other person to come in to make it at least a two-person share. Really nice aircraft. PM me if interested and I can share details. Trying to get the aircraft flying at least 100 hours a year, and I can't do it alone.
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Just an update - I'm looking now at a nice Arrow to be based at HEF- ready to fly with no upgrades needed. Low TT (~3000) and low time SMOH (650). I'm looking to partner with one (maybe two) other people on this. I have worked out lots of the details, just need one other person to come in to make it at least a two-person share. Really nice aircraft. PM me if interested and I can share details. Trying to get the aircraft flying at least 100 hours a year, and I can't do it alone.

Any luck on this? I’m new to NOVA and looking to get more info on what’s involved in a partnership. I know nothing about them but am very interested. Thanks!
Any luck on this? I’m new to NOVA and looking to get more info on what’s involved in a partnership. I know nothing about them but am very interested. Thanks!
Another local, welcome to PoA.
@GeorgeC Any partnerships/co-ownerships to be had at freeway? or KJYO?
There are 182 clubs at both W00 and JYO. I don't know of any partnerships at Freeway but there are some at JYO, check the bulletin board, or hang out at the airport commission meetings...
There was one nice one for c172 at kjyo I missed it by week there were another couple for sr22 and Grumman tiger but those are out of reach, maybe I need to start looking at creating a new club or a 4way cownership.
I'm also interested in coownership opportunities at KHEF.
Count me in gentlemen, I am also looking for a partnership
Looks like there has been enough recent interest to review interested planes. Anything to add/remove from this list:

-172 180hp
Looks like there has been enough recent interest to review interested planes. Anything to add/remove from this list:

-172 180hp

The SR 20 better suits me and SR 22 I would really consider. I have really been considering a sky master 337 recently and was truly ready to pull the lever and buy. However if I could reduce my overhead with newer airplane and a partnership I think it would be better
I’m not opposed to any on the list. Given a preference, I would choose the 182 or sr20/22 as I generally prefer to take passengers to enjoy the flight experience.
My choices are SR20 or SR22 as a second pick (I'm flying it for the first time this Saturday, so maybe I'll come back here starry eyed--or maybe not...will see). I've been in a 180hp 172(Q) partnership before, but I've spent the past year transitioning to the SR20/Cirrus Perspective & Perspective Plus--so I'm hoping to keep that momentum going through my Instrument rating.

So far, the potential Cirrus responders are:

  • Me (Ian)
  • RenRen
  • Freddie
  • Atbroom
If your username is on this list (or you want to be added), please let me know by replying or messaging me. I'm fine "working though" the other choices as a discussion; I'm just really vested in Cirrus. :)
If your username is on this list (or you want to be added), please let me know by replying or messaging me. I'm fine "working though" the other choices as a discussion; I'm just really vested in Cirrus. :)

Hi there, I don’t know how far out you plan things like waiting lists and roster expansions but if you’re still around in 6-12 months I’d be interested. I just need to attend to the small details of finishing my PPL and getting my high performance rating. :D Just thought I’d wave and say hi as I’m training out of KHEF and I’m mildly surprised to find such a small number of clubs/partnerships here.
I was notified I am back at the top of the KHEF hangar waitlist today, but still without plane or partnership. 5 days until I need to go back to the end of the line.
I too am looking for a partnership/ fractional ownership/ aero club at KHEF
Just dropping in to revive this thread, see if there are any updates and introduce my name into the hat. I will also be looking for a partnership in the near future once I finish my private pilot in the coming months. I know I'm a little ahead of myself but it seems there is at least one other in my posistion and I know how long it can take to sort these kinds of arrangements out. I'm a student at Piston to Jet at KHEF and live 15 minutes from the airport. My wife and I have no kids and love to travel and I'm hoping to take it up a notch :) Hope to meet you all some day. Take care. Justin
Just dropping in to revive this thread, see if there are any updates and introduce my name into the hat. I will also be looking for a partnership in the near future once I finish my private pilot in the coming months. I know I'm a little ahead of myself but it seems there is at least one other in my posistion and I know how long it can take to sort these kinds of arrangements out. I'm a student at Piston to Jet at KHEF and live 15 minutes from the airport. My wife and I have no kids and love to travel and I'm hoping to take it up a notch :) Hope to meet you all some day. Take care. Justin

Hi Justin, fellow P2J student here, now working on instrument; I believe we met at the BBQ. Let me know if you come across any partnership opportunities elsewhere. I’m also happy to chat about Diamondshare if you’re interested in a new DA40. I had a couple calls with them to get details.
Wow Good to know guys, I am in my 40s, have a stable job, not airline bound, I am still learning, slowly though, since last Nov, I think it'd be good to be in touch with the people here at HEF. I live in leesburg, VA though.
They just announced $4 million expansion at JYO so at least you have a chance of getting a tie down some day!
Not sure if this chain is active. Let me know if anyone is interested in a partnership. I’m in DC but can make the drive. Open to a/c
MHD, I was just about to bump this thread again as I don't have enough posts to create a new one under Classifieds. Ian and I are seeking another 1-2 partners at KJYO. Our LLC is formed and registered and we're aiming to have a total of 4-5 owners to split the cost of a Cirrus SR20 (preferably a G6) with the potential for a leaseback at one of the schools here.

We are seeking members that are either Instrument rated or at least have their Private certificate with the intention of earning their IR rating.

We also require each member to provide a "soft" proof of having adequate cash on hand with a decent credit score to fully fund their 1/5th portion of a ~700K airplane. We've found that used planes are sold almost before they even finish getting listed online, so we all need to have the money ready to go when the right opportunity comes along. The wait for a new SR20 is currently two years, hence the setup for a preowned plane.
Bumping this thread again because there's a new club in formation at HEF!

I've got a WAAS enabled DA-40 XLS that I'm going to be taking off leaseback and forming a club with it. I'm limiting the club to four members (besides myself).

I don't have enough posts to include a link but the club website is dcdiamondpilots dot com

Let me know here or via the contact us form on the website if you're interested.
Bumping this thread again because there's a new club in formation at HEF!

I've got a WAAS enabled DA-40 XLS that I'm going to be taking off leaseback and forming a club with it. I'm limiting the club to four members (besides myself).

I don't have enough posts to include a link but the club website is dcdiamondpilots dot com

Let me know here or via the contact us form on the website if you're interested.

I am most definitely interested! I shot you a note via the contact form; thank you!