What Ron said... Depending on the suite of features you want, your choices will vary.
The KFC150 is attitude based, meaning it is driven by your attitude indicator gyro as well as barometric input and input from your DG/HSI. It means it will fail if your AI fails. It also means it does a pretty good job in turbulence becauseit can "see" your airplane attitude just like you could.
The KAP140, and several S-Tec models are rate-based, meaning they get roll info from your TC gyro, and pitch info is derived from barometric data. They don't do AS well in turbulence, but they don't fail when your AI does either. S-Tec also makes attitude-based units, and in general, the more features you want, the more likely you'll end up with an attitude-based unit and the more money you'll spend.
If I were putting in a new autopilot system I'd look hard at S-Tec and Chelton, as they've continued to improve their designs. I've flown quite a bit behind the KFC150 system, and it's a good system, but can require tweaking and getting the King AI overhauled can be a bear. We went through three "back to the shop" trips for our AI/FD unit when it failed the first time before we got a replacement that was stable.